"I don't know if he's gay or not. But if he is, he's forfeited any right to privacy because he votes anti-gay. My view is that people who are gay who vote to support the right of other people to do it have a right to privacy, but the right to privacy does not include hypocrisy. The one thing that puzzled me, The New York Times had a story about how he redecorated his office to look like Downton Abbey, but all I saw were pictures of like Ulysses S. Grant. It's obviously sort of disjunctive in my mind. There were all these pictures of Republican presidents. I don't know what they were doing in Downton Abbey. I suppose you could say, from a certain angle, Herbert Hoover does look a little bit like Maggie Smith depending on the light, but nobody could have been Ulysses S. Grant. I have to say, if they're not true [the rumors], he spent entirely too much time in the gym for a straight man." - Barney Frank, speaking to Business Insider.
A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
Via JMG: Barney Frank: If Aaron Schock Is Gay, He Has Forfeited His Right To The Closet
"I don't know if he's gay or not. But if he is, he's forfeited any right to privacy because he votes anti-gay. My view is that people who are gay who vote to support the right of other people to do it have a right to privacy, but the right to privacy does not include hypocrisy. The one thing that puzzled me, The New York Times had a story about how he redecorated his office to look like Downton Abbey, but all I saw were pictures of like Ulysses S. Grant. It's obviously sort of disjunctive in my mind. There were all these pictures of Republican presidents. I don't know what they were doing in Downton Abbey. I suppose you could say, from a certain angle, Herbert Hoover does look a little bit like Maggie Smith depending on the light, but nobody could have been Ulysses S. Grant. I have to say, if they're not true [the rumors], he spent entirely too much time in the gym for a straight man." - Barney Frank, speaking to Business Insider.
Via JMG: CALIFORNIA: Gay Death Penalty Ballot Measure Will Probably Be Advanced
Last month a Christian activist filed a 2016 California ballot measure
that calls for the death penalty for homosexuality. And it appears that
Attorney General Kamala Harris can do little to prevent the the proposed
referendum from reaching the petition signature gathering stage. The San Francisco Chronicle reports:
Reposted from Joe Jervis
The state Supreme Court has the power to keep measures off the ballot if they violate the California Constitution. It has exercised that power to disqualify measures that cover more than one subject, broadly defined, and to block last year’s attempt by legislative Democrats to seek a statewide advisory vote on a U.S. constitutional amendment that would limit corporate spending in federal elections. Presumably the justices could locate a state constitutional provision that would discourage shooting people in the head.The ballot measure briefly vanished from the AG's official website earlier this month, but soon reappeared. The proposed referendum includes this stipulation: "Any person who willingly touches another person of the same gender for purposes of sexual gratification shall be put to death by bullets to the head or by any other convenient method." Jesus is love.
But McLaughlin’s measure is currently before Harris, whose options appear to be limited. Once the sponsor has paid the required fee, state law directs the attorney general to prepare a title and a maximum 100-word summary of the initiative and forward it to the secretary of state for a 90-day period of public signature-gathering. The secretary of state’s website says Harris is scheduled to take those actions by about May 4.
Does she have the power to refuse if the measure is patently unconstitutional? Harris isn’t saying; her office did not return repeated phone calls. But some veteran practitioners of election law said they don’t think so. “The statute is clear: that the office has to prepare a summary provided the proponents have paid $200 and followed the right procedures,” said attorney Robert Stern, author of the state’s 1974 Political Reform Act. He said he’s never heard of a case in which the attorney general refused to issue a title and summary.
Labels: 2016 elections, California, Christian Love, Christianists, gay death penalty, Kamala Harris, religion
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 19/03/2015
“A água é uma manifestação da vida. A crise hídrica tem se manifestado
com mais força em alguns lugares, mas o desequilíbrio é geral. O sintoma
aparece com mais força em um continente, mas a doença é planetária. É
um desequilíbrio no ciclo da própria vida. Embora o tema seja complexo, e
envolva questões sociais, políticas e econômicas, na raiz da crise está
a negação da Verdade. A água representa nossos sentimentos mais profundos,
e a falta dela é justamente a negação desses sentimentos. Mas, no mais
profundo, esse desequilíbrio é um sintoma da esquecimento da
“El agua
es una manifestación de la vida. La crisis hídrica se ha manifestado con
más fuerza en algunos lugares, pero el desequilibrio es general. El
síntoma aparece con más fuerza en un continente, pero la enfermedad es
planetaria. Es un desequilibrio en el ciclo de la propia vida. Aunque el
tema sea complejo, e involucre cuestiones sociales, políticas y
económicas, en la raíz de la crisis está la negación de la Verdad. El
agua representa nuestros sentimientos más profundos, y la falta de ella
es justamente la negación de estos sentimientos. Pero en lo más
profundo, este desequilibrio es un síntoma del olvido de la
"Water is a manifestation of life. The water crisis has manifested itself more strongly in some places, but the imbalance is worldwide. The symptoms appear stronger in certain continents, but the disease is global. It is an imbalance in the cycle of life itself. Although the issue is complex and involves social, political and economic issues, the root of the crisis lies in the denial of truth. Water represents our deepest feelings, and the lack of water is precisely the denial of these feelings. On the deepest level, this imbalance is a symptom of the forgetfulness of spirituality."
"Water is a manifestation of life. The water crisis has manifested itself more strongly in some places, but the imbalance is worldwide. The symptoms appear stronger in certain continents, but the disease is global. It is an imbalance in the cycle of life itself. Although the issue is complex and involves social, political and economic issues, the root of the crisis lies in the denial of truth. Water represents our deepest feelings, and the lack of water is precisely the denial of these feelings. On the deepest level, this imbalance is a symptom of the forgetfulness of spirituality."
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 18/03/2015
“Quando a luz do perdão se manifesta, todas as sombras se dissipam.
Mágoas e ressentimentos se dissolvem e o passado desaparece. Você volta
para a luz do momento presente, onde não existe separação ou
distanciamento. Por isso compreenda que se existe uma barreira entre
você e outro, ela é feita de mágoas e ressentimentos - é feita de
acusação. Portanto, é feita de passado.”
“Cuando la luz del perdón se manifiesta, todas las sombras se disipan. Heridas y resentimientos se disuelven y el pasado desaparece. Vuelves a la luz del momento presente, donde no existe separación o distancia. Por eso comprende que si existe una barrera entre tú y otro, ella está hecha de heridas y resentimientos - está hecha de acusación. Por lo tanto, está hecha de pasado.”
“Cuando la luz del perdón se manifiesta, todas las sombras se disipan. Heridas y resentimientos se disuelven y el pasado desaparece. Vuelves a la luz del momento presente, donde no existe separación o distancia. Por eso comprende que si existe una barrera entre tú y otro, ella está hecha de heridas y resentimientos - está hecha de acusación. Por lo tanto, está hecha de pasado.”
"When the light of forgiveness manifests, all shadows dissipate. Hurts
and resentments dissolve, and the past disappears. We return to the
light of the present moment, where there is no separation or distance.
This is why we must understand that if there is a barrier between
ourselves and another person, it is due to hurts, resentments and
accusations. This barrier is created out of our past."
Via Daily Dharma
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Via The Advocate: Presbyterians Overwhelmingly Approve Marriage Equality
The largest Presbyterian denomination approved a marriage resolution on Tuesday that amends their constitution to accept same-sex marriages.
A voice vote held on Tuesday in New Jersey had 86 regional bodies approving the new resolution and 41 opposed (one local presbytery had a tie vote), reports The New York Times. The church, which claims 1.8 million members and is based in Kentucky, has been moving to the left in the past few years; they cleared the way for gay and lesbian pastors, elders, and deacons four years ago.
Their latest change in policy also means Presbyterian ministers who previously performed same-sex marriages will not be prosecuted or convicted of ecclesiastical crimes by the church.
The new policy is a measured change. Conservative ministers will not be forced to perform same-sex marriages, while the new constitution will not be altered that drastically. The church previously considered marriage as between "a man and a woman," while the new language considers marriage as a union of "two people, traditionally a man and a woman."
The Episcopal Church, the United Church of Christ, and the Quakers are some of the other denominations that have opened the door to same-sex marriage. The Reform and Conservative movements of Judaism have also hopped on the bandwagon.
Tags: Religion, Marriage Equality
Via GLAAD: Presbyterians latest church to affirm marriage equality
The Presbyterian Church (USA) has become the latest church to approved marriages for same-sex couples. The Presbyterian Church, USA now holds that marriage is between “two persons” rather than “a man and a woman.”
Last summer, the PC(USA) governing body voted by a 71% vote to change the description of marriage, from between “a man and a woman” to “two persons.” However, the amendment required 51% of the 171 regional bodies called presbyteries to affirm the change. That threshold was crossed as 86 presbyteries voted yes, as of today. The tipping point vote was cast by Palisades Presbytery in New Jersey. However, affirming votes came from more conservative presbyteries, including the Charleston-Atlantic and Foothills Presbyteries in South Carolina, James and Shenandoah Presbyteries in Virginia, Presbytery of the Pines in Louisiana, and North Alabama Presbytery. You can see a full tally, and which presbyteries are still yet to vote at the Covenant Network of Presbyterians website.
Make the jump here to read the full article
Via NYT: Presbyterians Give Final Approval for Same-Sex Marriage
three decades of debate over its stance on homosexuality, members of
the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted on Tuesday to change the
definition of marriage in the church’s constitution to include same-sex marriage.
final approval by a majority of the church’s 171 regional bodies, known
as presbyteries, enshrines a change recommended last year by the
church’s General Assembly.
The vote amends the church’s constitution to broaden marriage from
being between “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man
and a woman.”
The Presbytery of the Palisades
meeting in Fair Lawn, N.J., put the ratification count over the top on
Tuesday on a voice vote. With many presbyteries still left to vote, the
tally early Tuesday evening stood at 86 presbyteries in favor and 41
against and one tied.
“Finally, the church in
its constitutional documents fully recognizes that the love of gays and
lesbian couples is worth celebrating in the faith community,” said the
Rev. Brian D. Ellison, executive director of the Covenant Network of Presbyterians,
which advocates gay inclusion in the church.
“There is still
disagreement, and I don’t mean to minimize that, but I think we are
learning that we can disagree and still be church together.”
church, with about 1.8 million members, is the largest of the nation’s
Presbyterian denominations, but it has been losing congregations and
individual members as it has moved to the left theologically over the
past several years. There was a wave of departures in and after 2011,
when the presbyteries ratified a decision to ordain gays and lesbians as
pastors, elders and deacons, and that may have cleared the way for
Tuesday’s vote.
Via Huffington: Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Embraces LGBT-Inclusive Definition Of Marriage
The tide has turned for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender couples seeking to be married in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A).
Following years of debate and introspection, America’s largest Presbyterian denomination has announced a change to its constitution that allows for a more inclusive definition of marriage.
Officially called Amendment 14-F, the new wording in the denomination’s Book of Order will describe marriage as being “between two people.”
About 71 percent of PC (USA) leaders approved of the change during a general assembly meeting last June. The church had been waiting for a majority of its 172 Presbyteries, or regional bodies, to approve the measure one by one. On Tuesday, this majority was reached, with 86 Presbyteries handing in decisions to support same-sex marriage within the church.
“Today we are rejoicing!" said the Rev. Robin White, co-moderator of the LGBT advocacy group More Light Presbyterians. "So many families headed by LGBTQ couples have been waiting for decades to enter this space created for their families within their church communities.”
Make the jump here to read the full article
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 17/03/2015
“Existem muitas práticas que podem te ajudar a fortalecer a sua força
de vontade, mas é muito importante que você não se proponha a fazer algo
que não vai dar conta. Esse é um aspecto fundamental da prática da
austeridade inteligente. Se você sente que não pode se comprometer com
nada, tudo bem - talvez sua austeridade nesse momento seja não se
culpar, não exigir nada de si mesmo. Porém, procure se observar, pois
muito provavelmente você está preso na
crença de que não é capaz ou de que não tem poder. Mas, é muito
importante ir além disso, pois toda crença é limitante.”
“Existen muchas prácticas que te pueden ayudar a fortalecer tu fuerza
de voluntad, pero es muy importante que no te propongas hacer algo que
no vas a poder manejar. Este es un aspecto fundamental de la práctica de
austeridad inteligente. Si sientes que no te puedes comprometer con
nada, todo bien - tal vez tu austeridad en este momento sea no culparte,
no exigirte nada a ti mismo. Sin embargo, trata de observarte, porque
muy probablemente estés preso en la creencia de que no eres capaz o de
que no tienes poder. Pero es muy importante ir más allá de eso, porque
toda creencia es limitan.”
"There are many practices that can help to strengthen our willpower, but it’s crucial that we don’t propose a practice for ourselves that we won’t be able to do. This is a fundamental aspect of the practice of intelligent austerities. If we feel we can’t commit to anything at all, it’s okay – maybe our austerity at that moment is not to blame or demand anything of ourselves. However, we must try to observe ourselves, because it’s likely that we are stuck in the belief that we’re not capable or that we don’t have any power. It’s very important to go beyond this, because every belief is limiting."
"There are many practices that can help to strengthen our willpower, but it’s crucial that we don’t propose a practice for ourselves that we won’t be able to do. This is a fundamental aspect of the practice of intelligent austerities. If we feel we can’t commit to anything at all, it’s okay – maybe our austerity at that moment is not to blame or demand anything of ourselves. However, we must try to observe ourselves, because it’s likely that we are stuck in the belief that we’re not capable or that we don’t have any power. It’s very important to go beyond this, because every belief is limiting."
O Caminho do Meio // O Caminho do Meio
O Caminho do Meio
Apenas para registro:
Sou a favor do fim da corrupção, para um melhor trânsito e escolas e hospitais, para acabar com a miséria, para encontrar soluções para a nossa crise ambiental e para os projetos que precisam ser concluídos, como prometido! Sou a favor de ruas seguras e limpas e de um melhor planejamento e gestão para os nossos recursos e do meio ambiente.
É possível ser em favor disso e não ser rotulado de racista? Eu não sou a favor de didaturas militares ou impeachment, mas quem sente a liderança (em ambos meus países!) estão precisando de uma palmada firme. Para mim, isto parece adequado, pois é o caminho do meio.
Estou profundamente grato aos meus dois países por tudo o que eles me deram.
Estou dedicado a reembolsá-lo, tornando a vida dos meus alunos e da comunidade um lugar um pouco para todos nós.
Então vamos levar a discussão para fora dos medos e do diálogo de esquerda - direita, culpando os líderes do passado ou quaisquer fantasmas do exterior e vamos assumir a responsabilidade pessoal e o foco no caminho do meio, onde podemos encontrar uma maneira de trabalhar juntos em paz e solidariedade!
The Middle Way
Just for the record:
I am for an end to corruption, for better mass-transit, schools and hospitals, for ending misery, for finding solutions to our environmental crisis... for projects that need to be finished as promised! I am for safe and clean streets, and for better planning and management or our limited resources and environment.
Is it possible to be for this and not be labeled a racist? I am not for any military solutions or impeachment but one who feels the leadership (in both my countries) are in need of a sound spanking. To me this seems appropriate, and is the middle way.
I am deeply grateful to both my countries for all that they have given me. I am dedicated to paying it forward and making the lives of my students and community a little bit better place for all of us.
So lets move the discussion away from fears and a left – right dialogue, from blaming past leaders or any ghosts from abroad, and towards taking personal responsibility and focus on the middle way where we can find a way to work together in peace and solidarity!
Apenas para registro:
Sou a favor do fim da corrupção, para um melhor trânsito e escolas e hospitais, para acabar com a miséria, para encontrar soluções para a nossa crise ambiental e para os projetos que precisam ser concluídos, como prometido! Sou a favor de ruas seguras e limpas e de um melhor planejamento e gestão para os nossos recursos e do meio ambiente.
É possível ser em favor disso e não ser rotulado de racista? Eu não sou a favor de didaturas militares ou impeachment, mas quem sente a liderança (em ambos meus países!) estão precisando de uma palmada firme. Para mim, isto parece adequado, pois é o caminho do meio.
Estou profundamente grato aos meus dois países por tudo o que eles me deram.
Estou dedicado a reembolsá-lo, tornando a vida dos meus alunos e da comunidade um lugar um pouco para todos nós.
Então vamos levar a discussão para fora dos medos e do diálogo de esquerda - direita, culpando os líderes do passado ou quaisquer fantasmas do exterior e vamos assumir a responsabilidade pessoal e o foco no caminho do meio, onde podemos encontrar uma maneira de trabalhar juntos em paz e solidariedade!
The Middle Way
Just for the record:
I am for an end to corruption, for better mass-transit, schools and hospitals, for ending misery, for finding solutions to our environmental crisis... for projects that need to be finished as promised! I am for safe and clean streets, and for better planning and management or our limited resources and environment.
Is it possible to be for this and not be labeled a racist? I am not for any military solutions or impeachment but one who feels the leadership (in both my countries) are in need of a sound spanking. To me this seems appropriate, and is the middle way.
I am deeply grateful to both my countries for all that they have given me. I am dedicated to paying it forward and making the lives of my students and community a little bit better place for all of us.
So lets move the discussion away from fears and a left – right dialogue, from blaming past leaders or any ghosts from abroad, and towards taking personal responsibility and focus on the middle way where we can find a way to work together in peace and solidarity!
Via Daily Dharma
Monday, March 16, 2015
Via JMG: Barney Frank: LGBT Folks Are Beating Prejudice Because They Stopped Hiding
“Well, I tell you, our reality as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people beat the prejudice. I mean, the central mechanism is that we stopped hiding. And it turns out we weren't what the stereotype was. But clearly, there was a point when the notion that I could get married to Jim while I was still in Congress would've been the most bizarre possibility. I remember the time I got married, someone said, 'Well, would it be controversial if you got married while you were still in Congress?' And the answer was, yes it was. A lot of my colleagues were mad that they didn't get invited. So our reality is that. On the other side, I think the fundamental issue, and it does go back to a Clinton campaign statement, "It's the economy, stupid."”
Reposted from Joe Jervis
Via JMG: Equality California Endorses Hillary
Via press release:
California, the nation's second largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender membership organization, has endorsed Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2016 presidential election. EQCA is the first major LGBT organization in the nation to endorse the former Secretary of State for President. "We want Hillary Clinton to run and are ready to mobilize our 800,000 members to help her win," said Equality California's Executive Director Rick Zbur. "We're enthusiastic about her candidacy because she has the best record of accomplishment on LGBT issues of any potential candidate. Equality California is ready for Hillary!"
As Secretary of State, Clinton championed the rights of LGBT people around the world, making LGBT rights and acceptance a global priority. In 2011, Sec. Clinton gave a historic speech on International Human Rights Day at the United Nations in Geneva, saying: "Gay rights are human rights, and human rights are gay rights." Under Sec. Clinton's leadership, the Department of State used its full range of diplomatic and development tools to combat violence and discrimination against LGBT people worldwide. Thanks to her efforts, LGBT rights became a core principle of U.S. foreign policy in an unprecedented way.
Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día- Flower of the day 16/03/2015
“Não é possível aprender a amar porque aprender implica em receber
alguma coisa de fora. E se o amor é a seiva da vida, a respiração da
alma, então não é uma questão de aprender a amar, mas sim de desaprender
a odiar. A criança nasce amando, mas logo aprende a odiar. Muito cedo
ela aprende a sentir ciúme e a barganhar, o que aciona um círculo
vicioso que faz com que ela interrompa o fluxo natural do amor, ou seja,
algumas pedras são colocadas no
caminho. Então para que o amor seja desvendado, é preciso remover essas
pedras que estão encobrindo a fonte do amor que nos habita.”
“No es posible aprender a amar porque aprender implica recibir algo de
afuera. Y si el amor es la savia de la vida, la respiración del alma,
entonces no es una cuestión de aprender a amar, sino de desaprender a
odiar. El niño nace amando, pero luego aprende a odiar. Muy pronto
aprende a sentir celos y a regatear, lo que acciona un círculo vicioso
que hace que él interrumpa el flujo natural del amor, es decir, algunas
piedras son puestas en el camino. Entonces para que el amor sea
develado, es necesario remover estas piedras que están cubriendo la
fuente del amor que nos habita.”
"It’s not possible to learn how to love, because learning implies receiving something from the outside. If love is the nectar of life, the breath of the soul, then it’s not a matter of learning how to love, but rather an unlearning of hatred. A child is born loving, but soon learns to hate. Early on, we learn to feel jealous and how to bargain, which triggers a vicious circle that makes us break with the natural flow of love. In other words, some stones are placed on our paths. In order to unveil love, we must remove these stones that are covering up the source of love that dwells in each of us."
"It’s not possible to learn how to love, because learning implies receiving something from the outside. If love is the nectar of life, the breath of the soul, then it’s not a matter of learning how to love, but rather an unlearning of hatred. A child is born loving, but soon learns to hate. Early on, we learn to feel jealous and how to bargain, which triggers a vicious circle that makes us break with the natural flow of love. In other words, some stones are placed on our paths. In order to unveil love, we must remove these stones that are covering up the source of love that dwells in each of us."
Via Daily Dharma
Sunday, March 15, 2015
Via JMG: Cyndi Lauper: The FRC Wants Homeless LGBT Kids Excluded From Federal Act
Via press release from Cyndi Lauper:
Can you believe that there are people actively working to leave youth out in the cold? Don’t they realize it's just going to push us to work even harder to protect our kids?! The Family Research Council is one of those groups. Their target: a clause in the the Runaway and Homeless Youth and Trafficking Prevention Act that would specifically protect the 40% of homeless youth who identify as identify as LGBT.You can donate to Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Fund here.
This is what they had to say about the clause: “It contains a definition of gender identity (‘actual or perceived gender-related characteristics’) and sexual orientation that would require special protections for some individuals at the expense of the safety and privacy of all youth served by providers.”
I don’t understand how ensuring welcoming, affirming, and appropriate services for all youth jeopardizes anyone’s safety or privacy. Programs and services receiving federal funding must be inclusive of 100% our youth, not just 60%. This isn’t about protecting some youth, but ALL youth.
Labels: Christian Love, Christianists, Cyndi Lauper, evil, feds, FRC, hate groups, homelessness, LGBT youth, religion, Tony Perkins
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