“La palabra "pecado", por haber sido mal utilizada y distorsionada,
genera una gran desconcierto. En esencia, pecado es sinónimo de
equívoco. Y mientras haya desamor en este mundo habrá equívocos. El
desamor que se manifiesta a través de pensamientos, palabras y acciones
equivocadas genera consecuencias o karmas. La felicidad que buscamos a
partir de un estado interior equivocado hace que plantemos semillas
contaminadas y consecuentemente cosechemos aquello que sembramos. Si
plantas sufrimiento, cosechas sufrimiento.”
“The word ‘sin’ has been poorly used; it's been so distorted that it has created a huge estrangement between us and this word. The word sin literally means "to miss the mark," or simply, making a mistake. And as long as we still have a lack of love in this world, we will have mistakes. This un-love that manifests through our thoughts, words, and mistaken actions generates consequences known as karma. Happiness that is sought from a misguided inner state leads us to plant contaminated seeds. Being that we reap what we sow, then if we plant suffering, we will reap suffering.”
“The word ‘sin’ has been poorly used; it's been so distorted that it has created a huge estrangement between us and this word. The word sin literally means "to miss the mark," or simply, making a mistake. And as long as we still have a lack of love in this world, we will have mistakes. This un-love that manifests through our thoughts, words, and mistaken actions generates consequences known as karma. Happiness that is sought from a misguided inner state leads us to plant contaminated seeds. Being that we reap what we sow, then if we plant suffering, we will reap suffering.”