Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Antropólogo afirma que evangélicos espalham “ódio, fobia e vingança” na sociedade brasileira

O professor de antropologia Ronaldo Almeida, da Unicamp, afirmou que o comportamento social dos evangélicos é permeado por ódio, fobia e vingança, e que isso explica casos como o da agressão à menina candomblecista (atribuída, sem provas, a pentecostais) e o apoio à redução da maioridade penal.

Segundo Almeida, os dois exemplos acima são manifestações de conservadorismo que refletem um cenário geral da sociedade brasileira.

Ele pontuou em entrevista ao IG que o ódio pode ser notado na reprovação dos evangélicos à homossexualidade e outras religiões; a fobia pode ser percebida no apoio que muitos brasileiros dão à legislação mais permissiva em relação ao porte de armas; e por último, a vingança, que seria o motivo pelo desejo da redução da maioridade penal.

“No Brasil, o que se consolida é o pluralismo no interior do cristianismo, cujo movimento principal são católicos se tornando evangélicos. Esse aumento do contingente vai além dos templos, se reflete no âmbito da política, da economia, da mídia”, teoriza o professor, sugerindo que essa mudança de pensamento da sociedade é um reflexo direto do crescimento dos evangélicos.

Segundo Almeida, erros políticos teriam funcionado como combustível para o crescimento da representatividade dos evangélicos na política. O professor também criticou a gestão do pastor Marco Feliciano (PSC-SP) à frente da Comissão de Direitos Humanos e Minorias (CDHM).

“Em 2010, o José Serra [candidato à presidência do PSDB] colocou o pastor Silas Malafaia para atacar a Dilma [à época candidata do PT] sobre o tema do aborto. Foi o início. Depois, com Dilma já no poder, o PT fez aquela besteira de entregar a Comissão de Direitos Humanos para o PSC. O presidente, como todos sabem, foi o deputado Marco Feliciano. Na comissão de Direitos Humanos, esses religiosos acharam um espaço para lidar com temas morais. E essa comissão, que antes cuidava das minorias, como a causa indígena, começou a ter uma pauta moralista, a travar uma disputa pela moralidade pública, a replicar aqui temas do fundamentalismo norte-americano, como o ensino religioso e o criacionismo”, criticou.

Em outro trecho da entrevista, Almeida diz que as lideranças evangélicas fazem apologia à violência de forma indireta, como forma de estabelecer seus próprios paradigmas: “Na questão religiosa, os fundamentalistas acabam por fomentar a ação violenta. 

O que não é novidade: basta lembra que o episódio do pastor da Igreja Universal que chutou uma imagem foi em 1995. É a cultura de demonizar o outro, de vilipendiar as outras religiões. Tem uma coisa cínica no Malafaia: na prática, ele diz: ‘o Estado laico tem de garantir que eu posso demonizar o outro’. É o oposto da noção clássica do protestantismo: de liberdade individual. Mas, no fundo, o que a bancada evangélica mostra são expressões de coisas mais profundas da sociedade: conservadora, violenta, hierárquica e desigual”, resumiu.

Make the jump here to read the original and more

Via CBS News: "Star Trek" creator's son weighs in on gay Sulu

Actor John Cho poses for photographers upon arrival at the premiere of the film "Star Trek Beyond" in London, Tuesday, July 12, 2016.
LOS ANGELES -- The son of late "Star Trek" creator Gene Roddenberry says his father would have been on board with an Enterprise crew member being portrayed as gay, but he's unsure if it should have been helmsman Hikaru Sulu.

Rod Roddenberry said his father would have been supportive of a gay "Trek" character and commended the "Star Trek Beyond" filmmakers for featuring an LGBT character. Roddenberry died in 1991.

Make the jump here to read the full story and much more

Via Teanderthal Party: King James

King James was affectionately called "Queen James" by his friends. Being gay himself, he would know if the Hebrew and Greek condemned homosexuality.

Via Faith In America: RNC’s Conversion Therapy Support Is Dangerous

Dear Faith In America Supporters,

The GOP has solidified their stance against LGBT people at their convention supporting the condemned practice of conversion therapy. This pseudo science practice is both spiritual and medical malpractice and actively harms LGBT individuals, especially LGBT youth. Faith In America thoroughly condemns the adoption of this practice into the GOP platform.

Below is the press release we sent to media on this issue.

Eliel Cruz
Executive Director
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RNC’s Conversion Therapy Support Is Dangerous

New York, New York, July 14, 2016 – The Republican National Convention is being used as a tool to further a bigoted anti-LGBT agenda. Anti-LGBT pundit Tony Perkins used his influence as an RNC delegate to include dangerous, pseudo-science “conversion therapy” into the GOP platform.

“The addition of conversion therapy in the GOP’s platform shows they’re far from finished fighting against the LGBT community,” said Eliel Cruz, Executive Director of Faith In America. “Conversion therapy has been denounced by all leading medical organizations. The practice stems from a religious-based archaic understanding of sexuality that believes homosexuality is a choice and is sinful. Today, we know that being LGBT is natural and not something to be ‘cured’ of. The Republican Party has proven itself once more that it’s the party of religious based bigotry.”

The language included in the platform does not specifically mention the words “conversion therapy.” It mentions that parents should be allowed to seek whatever treatment or therapy they deem fit for their children. This language extends to “physical and emotional” therapy as well.

“The state intervenes when parents are abusing their children,” Eliel Cruz said. “Conversion therapy is nothing short of child abuse. There is ample evidence that shows attempting to change someone’s innate sexual orientation leads to depression, anxiety, and suicide. Parents who are willing to put their children at risk to undergo conversion therapy are abusing their children.”

Faith In America condemns the RNC’s decision to include conversion therapy in their GOP platform. Faith In America supports a national ban on conversion therapy.

For more information go to and follow on Twitter.

About Faith In America: Established in 2006, Faith In America is a non-profit organization whose ultimate goal is to end decades and centuries of using religious teachings to justify marginalizing and discriminating against others.  We are dedicated to influencing media and faith community narratives on religion and sexuality. Our goal is to move the needle forward on LGBTQ equality in the pews and in our legislation. Our Mission is to educate the public about the ongoing harm caused to LGBTQ persons, especially youth, by religious-based prejudice. Our dream is to change the hearts and minds of religious communities on the “sinful” nature of homosexuality. To remove it permanently from “the sin list.”


Via Ram Dass

July 13, 2016

Treat everyone you meet like God in drag.

Via Daily Dharma / July 13, 2016: Recognize the Love All Around You

Every day, priests minutely examine the Law
And endlessly chant complicated sutras.
Before doing that, though, they should learn
How to read the love letters sent by the wind and rain,
The snow and moon.

—Ikkyu, "Rain, the Snow, and Moon"

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 12/07/2016

“O agora é o portal para a eternidade; é o portal para acessar a fonte da bem-aventurança, a fonte da felicidade, que é o que somos. Ao reconhecer isso percebemos o valor de cada singular momento, porque cada instante contém a semente da mais rara oportunidade – a oportunidade da transcendência. Sendo assim, o agora é, sem dúvida, aquilo de mais valioso que uma alma humana possui.”

“El ahora es el portal para la eternidad, es el portal para acceder a la fuente de bienaventuranza, la fuente de felicidad, que es lo que somos. Al reconocer eso percibimos el valor de cada singular momento, porque cada instante contiene la semilla de la más rara oportunidad – la oportunidad de la trascendencia. Siendo así, el ahora es, sin duda, aquello de mayor valor que un alma humana posee.”

“The here and now is the doorway to eternity. It is the portal through which we can access the source of bliss, the source of happiness, which is what we truly are. As we recognize this, we see the value in each and every moment, because each moment contains a seed of rare opportunity- the opportunity for transcendence. Seen in this light, the here and now is without doubt, the most valuable thing a human soul possesses.”

Via Daily Dharma / July 12, 2016: The Wisdom of the Diamond Vehicle

In the Vajrayana, we see that our difficulties with relative reality stem from our attitudes and beliefs, rather than from relativity itself. We are called to see each arising of our day not as a threat, but as an opportunity—a chance to open our arms, lay down our weapons, and surrender to this exact moment of our life.

—Reginald Ray, "The Vajrayana Journey Is an Experience of Love, Power, and Freedom"

Monday, July 11, 2016

Via Daily Dharma / July 11, 2016: The Heart of Compassion

The sangha is the treasure of our greatest yearning, for it provides all of us with a sense of belonging as well as a safe haven; a foundation from which to grow and develop; a way to commit to excellence in practice; and above all, a connection to the heart of compassion.

—Myokei Caine-Barrett, "Our Common Thread"

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Via Ram Dass

July 10, 2016

There is a larger frame to the painting than the one that bounds our life's events.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 10/07/2016

“Durante um estágio da jornada, você acredita que o mundo te deve coisas, mas quando amadurece, você descobre que isso é somente mais um aspecto da ilusão. O mundo não lhe deve nada, você é que se coloca nos lugares que criam essa ideia - você está onde se coloca. Mas, chega um momento em que você reconhece o poder das suas escolhas e compreende que, na verdade, é você que deve algo para o mundo. Você reconhece que constrói o seu destino através de pensamentos, palavras e ações e, nesse momento, você se arrepende.”

“Durante un estadio del camino, crees que el mundo te debe cosas, pero cuando maduras, descubres que eso es solamente un aspecto más de la ilusión. El mundo no te debe nada, eres tú quien se coloca en esos lugares que crean esa idea – estás donde te colocas. Pero llega un momento en que reconoces el poder de tus elecciones y comprendes que, en verdad, eres tú quien le debe algo al mundo. Reconoces que construyes tu destino a través de pensamientos, palabras y acciones y en ese momento, te arrepientes.”

“During a certain a stage of the journey, we believe that the world owes us something, but as we mature, we discover that this is just another aspect of illusion. The world doesn’t owe us anything. We put ourselves into the situations that create this idea. We are exactly where we put ourselves. However, there comes a time when we recognize the power of our choices and we understand that in truth, we owe something to the world. We recognize that we have built our destiny through our thoughts, words and deeds and in this moment we repent.”

Via Daily Dharma / July 10, 2016: Let Love Guide You

Compassion goes about finding the work that can be done. Love can’t help but stay present.

—Krista Tippett, "Brief Teachings Summer 2016"

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Elton John - A Good Heart

Via Towleroad: Zachary Quinto Disappointed by George Takei’s Reaction to Gay Sulu

Out Star Trek Beyond actor Zachary Quinto, who portrays Spock in the reboot of the classic sci-fi franchise, said that as a member of the LGBT community, he’s “disappointed” by George Takei’s response to the fact that the character of Mr. Sulu has been revealed to be gay.

After news emerged yesterday of the character’s development in that direction, George Takei, who played Mr. Sulu in the original series, called it a “really unfortunate” turn of events.

Takei told The Hollywood Reporter that he had tried to convince Pegg and director Justin Lin that it was a bad idea.

Make the jump here to read the full article and more

Color (feat. Jay Armstrong Johnson) by Todrick Hall

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day - 09/07/2016

“Todo ser humano é movido pela busca da felicidade. Buscamos a felicidade em todos os lugares. Com certeza você já ouviu dizer que a felicidade se encontra dentro de si mesmo. Felicidade é o que somos. Felicidade é a a nossa realidade maior e quando você experimenta essa realidade, todos os desejos desaparecem e você experiencia silêncio. Você se percebe como o sol doador de vida. Todas as perguntas cessam e você tem acesso a respostas para perguntas que nem mesmo fez.”

“Todo ser humano es motivado por la búsqueda de felicidad. Buscamos la felicidad en todos los lugares. Seguramente ya has oído decir que la felicidad se encuentra dentro de ti. Felicidad es lo que somos. Felicidad es nuestra realidad mayor y cuando experimentas esa realidad, todos los deseos desaparecen y experimentas silencio. Te percibes como el sol dador de vida. Todas las preguntas cesan y tienes acceso a respuestas de preguntas que ni te has hecho.”

“Every human being is motivated by the search for happiness. We seek happiness everywhere. Certainly, we have already heard that happiness is something we find within. Happiness is who we are. Happiness is our greater reality and when we experiment with this reality, all our desires disappear and we experience silence. We see ourselves as the life giving sun. All questions cease and we have access to answers to unasked questions.”

Via Daily Dharma / July 9, 2016: Parting Words

I won’t die.
I won’t go anywhere.
I’ll be here.
But don’t ask me anything.
I won’t answer.

—Maezumi Roshi, "Remembering Maezumi Roshi"