“Todo ser humano es motivado por la búsqueda de felicidad. Buscamos la
felicidad en todos los lugares. Seguramente ya has oído decir que la
felicidad se encuentra dentro de ti. Felicidad es lo que somos.
Felicidad es nuestra realidad mayor y cuando experimentas esa realidad,
todos los deseos desaparecen y experimentas silencio. Te percibes como
el sol dador de vida. Todas las preguntas cesan y tienes acceso a
respuestas de preguntas que ni te has hecho.”
“Every human being is motivated by the search for happiness. We seek happiness everywhere. Certainly, we have already heard that happiness is something we find within. Happiness is who we are. Happiness is our greater reality and when we experiment with this reality, all our desires disappear and we experience silence. We see ourselves as the life giving sun. All questions cease and we have access to answers to unasked questions.”
“Every human being is motivated by the search for happiness. We seek happiness everywhere. Certainly, we have already heard that happiness is something we find within. Happiness is who we are. Happiness is our greater reality and when we experiment with this reality, all our desires disappear and we experience silence. We see ourselves as the life giving sun. All questions cease and we have access to answers to unasked questions.”
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