Ouça o Satsang completo: http://bit.ly/1zxmPQV
“Conócete a ti mismo y conocerás el universo. Aquello que no está aquí
no está en ningún lugar. Por eso necesitamos volvernos exploradores de
la consciencia. Esta es una tarea bastante desafiante porque dentro de
nosotros existen rincones oscuros, llenos de dolor, sentimientos
aterrorizantes y mortificantes. Pero eso es parte de la vida de un
explorador de sí mismo. Tu trabajo es desarrollar el observador, es
decir, es aprender a observar lo que es transitorio sin identificarte.
Observas y dejas pasar. Y de a poco, vas conociendo quien eres tú en
verdad. Eres aquello que permanece.”
“To understand ourselves is to understand the universe. That which is not here is nowhere. This is why we strive to become explorers of consciousness. This is an extremely challenging task because there are dark corners within us that are full of pain as well as terrifying and mortifying feelings. This is all a part of the life of a self-explorer. Our work is to develop the witness and to learn how to observe what is transitory without becoming identified with it. We just observe and let it all pass. Slowly, we get to know who we truly are, for we are what remains.”
“To understand ourselves is to understand the universe. That which is not here is nowhere. This is why we strive to become explorers of consciousness. This is an extremely challenging task because there are dark corners within us that are full of pain as well as terrifying and mortifying feelings. This is all a part of the life of a self-explorer. Our work is to develop the witness and to learn how to observe what is transitory without becoming identified with it. We just observe and let it all pass. Slowly, we get to know who we truly are, for we are what remains.”
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