Sunday, September 27, 2015

Via my amigo Joseph on FB: Yesterday in a discussion on friendship

I said that I base my friendship philosophy on this passage:

' To make the most of yourself is to live so that your inner life will rejoice.

It is to live so that you will receive the feeling, at the very depth of your soul, that it is wonderful to be alive."

The answer is to help others.
Your life expands to embrace others.
You are able to rejoice because your life grows.
The people around us are mirrors on which we can look at our lives.

To help others - that is how man has been created"
Seicho no ie Book of Daily Life... so on a personal level - I treasure my friends who are so generous and kind to others - always trying to add beauty and joy to another persons life... Those are my friends

So I guess that's why
when I find out someone is a narcissist- only thinkkng about themselves ... I slowly but surely stop sharing energy and they surely but slowly go away.

Quite simple really .... " as the cliche goes " birds of a feather flock together."

Yeah to all my friends!!!!!!!!!!

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