Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Speech: Refraining from Malicious Speech


Refraining from Malicious Speech
Malicious speech is unhealthy. Refraining from malicious speech is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning malicious speech, one refrains from malicious speech. One does not repeat there what one has heard here to the detriment of these, or repeat here what he has heard there to the detriment of those. One unites those who are divided, is a promoter of friendships, and speaks words that promote concord. (DN 1) One practices thus: “Others may speak maliciously, but I shall abstain from malicious speech.” (MN 8)

Disputes occur when a person is envious and avaricious. Such a person dwells disrespectful and undeferential toward others, causing harm and unhappiness for many. If you see any such root of a dispute either in yourself or externally, you should strive to abandon it. And if you do not see any such root of dispute either in yourself or externally, you should practice in such a way that it does not erupt in the future. (MN 104)
Malicious speech separates, while right speech unites. It is unhealthy to separate and healthy to unite, both individually and collectively. The world as a whole suffers when people divide one group from another and benefits when we have a sense of shared purpose. Envy and avarice can only occur when people are separate from one another, for only then does it feel like others have something that you do not.  

Daily Practice
See if you can break down the distinctions between yourself and others so that you are content with whatever you have and feel no envy or yearning for what others have. Practice this attitude in your mode of speech, praising instead of blaming when others possess something you do not. Learn to say “us” and “ours” more than “me” and “mine.” Disputes and quarrels thrive on separation; harmony breeds peace.

Tomorrow: Reflecting upon Verbal Action
One week from today: Refraining from Harsh Speech

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