Saturday, June 15, 2024

Via Robert Reich // Trump’s plan to dismantle democracy… and our plan to stop it


Inequality Media Civic Action

Dear Daniel,

Have you heard about Project 2025? If not, you might want to sit down before reading the rest of this email — because frankly, it’s terrifying.

Project 2025 is a nearly 1000-page step-by-step playbook for Donald Trump’s second term that would literally turn America into an authoritarian MAGA police state and shred our most cherished freedoms.

But most Americans haven’t heard a word about it, because the mainstream media has almost totally ignored it. So we need to get the word out. Fast.

Inequality Media Civic Action is launching a major public education push through viral posts and videos on social media to alert the American people about Project 2025 and the dangers of a second Trump term.

Will you donate $5 a month to help get the truth out and warn the American people about Project 2025?

Yes, Robert! I'll start a monthly donation to help Inequality Media alert the American people about Project 2025 and the dangers of a second Trump term.

No, I'm sorry, I can't chip in monthly.

At nearly a thousand pages, Project 2025 is longer than most Stephen King novels, and a lot scarier. The Associated Press called it “a plan to dismantle the US government and replace it with Trump’s vision” — and if anything, they’re understating the threat.

Think I’m exaggerating? I’m not. In fact, you can go ahead and read it yourself, because the whole thing is posted on the internet.

Under Project 2025, a second Trump term would begin by purging nonpartisan civil service workers like EPA scientists and IRS accountants and replacing them with unqualified Trump toadies. These are the rank-and-file government employees who prevented some of Trump’s greatest excesses last time around, like having the military shoot protesters or seizing voting machines to overturn the election. Next time, they’ll all be gone.

Project 2025 then aims to strip Americans of our most basic freedoms by banning abortion nationwide, rolling back LGBTQ rights, banning books, and quashing free speech.

And then to enforce these attacks on our rights even in blue states, Project 2025 lays out a plan to turn America into a MAGA police state by using the Justice Department to prosecute district attorneys Trump disagrees with, invoking the Insurrection Act to shut down protests, and mobilizing red state national guard units against blue states that resist his authoritarian agenda.

There’s so much more in Project 2025 that I can’t begin to cover it all. Drastic rollbacks of environmental and workplace protections. The mass deportation of 20 million immigrants. The shredding of the separation of church and state.

But because the mainstream media is almost totally ignoring Project 2025, Inequality Media Civic Action is preparing to launch viral videos across every major social media platform to sound the alarm. And to make sure we have the resources we need to get the word out, I’m asking you today: Will you donate $5 a month to help us launch and scale up this program?

Click here to start your monthly donation and support our efforts to warn the American people about Project 2025 and the dangers of a second Trump term.

Or, if you can't chip in monthly, click here.

Thank you for joining with us,

Robert Reich
Inequality Media Civic Action

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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 9323
Berkeley, CA 94709

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