Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Via Daily Dharma: Practice without Desire


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Practice without Desire

If you want to free yourself, you have to put all your heart into your practice, patiently developing your mind every day—day in, day out—without desiring results or wisdom.

Herman Schreuder, “Don’t Read, Meditate!”


Just the Essentials
By Jeff Watt
An exploration of Tantric deities' proper form in contemporary art. 
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Khata: Purity or Poison?
Directed by Huatse Gyal
July’s film is available now! “Khata: Purity or Poison?,” directed by Huatse Gyal, explores the paradoxical relationship between the meaning of the Khata, a sacred scarf used in much of the Tibetan Buddhist world, and its materiality, between purity and poison, to raise awareness of the unintended consequences of our good intentions.
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