Sunday, August 11, 2024

Via Daily Dharma: Change Starts Small


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Change Starts Small

Often, we think that we have to do something grandiose, but if we can’t be nonviolent to ourselves and to each other, then we’re not going to have a nonviolent world.

Konda Mason, “Konda Mason on Compassionate Activism”


The Gift of Dharma
By James Shaheen
In his Letter from the Editor, Tricycle’s Editor-in-Chief, James Shaheen, expresses gratitude for contributor Clark Strand and the many others who have made the magazine what it is today. 
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I Leave Home
Directed by Sunghwan Kim
August’s film is available now! “I Leave Home,” directed by Sunghwan Kim is a heartwarming drama that follows a man yearning to become a Buddhist monk and the obstacles he is met with along the way.
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