Thursday, August 15, 2024

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Action: Reflecting upon Verbal Action



Reflecting Upon Verbal Action
However the seed is planted, in that way the fruit is gathered. Good things come from doing good deeds; bad things come from doing bad deeds. (SN 11.10) What is the purpose of a mirror? For the purpose of reflection. So too verbal action is to be done with repeated reflection: (MN 61)

When you wish to do an action with speech, reflect upon that same verbal action thus: “Is this action I wish to do with speech an unhealthy verbal action with painful consequences and painful results?” If, upon reflection, you know that it is, then do not do it; if you know that it is not, then proceed. (MN 61)
What we say has its origin in intention, the set of our mind as we speak. It is intention that initiates action of body, speech, and mind. Intention can be conscious or unconscious. Sometimes we know exactly what we want to say and say it, but much of the time words just pour out, apparently on their own. We are encouraged here to be consciously aware of our speech and to actively monitor its effect on others.

Daily Practice
The practice here is not so much to monitor the content of your speech as to attend carefully to your attitude of heart and mind as you are about to say something. You may say something accurately, but if it comes with a tinge of judgment or dismissal or disrespect, then it is likely to have a harmful effect. Speak what is true, and do so with an attitude of kindness or equanimity, guarding against aversion and hate.

Tomorrow: Abstaining from Taking What is Not Given
One week from today: Reflecting upon Mental Action

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