Saturday, August 3, 2024

Via GBF // "The Sacred Tapestry of Your Life" with Dorothy Hunt

Our latest dharma talk is now available. Here's a 60-second audio preview
"The Sacred Tapestry of Your Life"
If we are an expression of the whole, why does life feel so personal?  

In a talk that examines duality, Dorothy Hunt asks us who and what we really are. Is our awareness something that belongs to us as a separate 'me', or is it instead something that arises from our experience of reality?

She likens reality to an enormous unending tapestry on a loom, consisting of interwoven strands that give rise to the whole.   

The vertical cords are the 'warp' - the stable structure that determines the shape of the tapestry, akin to our true nature -- that unchanging awareness for which each person is a vehicle. 

The horizontal threads, known as the 'weft,' constantly change to provide color, texture and variety, much like the moment-to-moment experiences, thoughts and words in our lives.

Just as a wave cannot be separated from the ocean, no single thread can be removed without affecting the whole. 
You can watch or listen to the talk on our website or YouTube:
or listen on your favorite podcast player.

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