Thursday, September 19, 2024

Via The Tricycle Community \\ Three Teachings: Sitting with Suffering


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September 19, 2024

Breaking Open Instead of Breaking Down
Suffering is an inevitable, defining feature of existence. The Buddha gained this insight when he attained enlightenment, and later declared this as the first of the four noble truths.

Escape from suffering is the goal of Buddhism, but the way out is not to turn away. The way out is through. So as we work toward the goal of escaping suffering, we must learn to endure pain, hardship, disappointment, and all the various ways suffering shows up around us and in our own lives.  

How do we confront and sit with suffering without letting it destroy us? How does intimacy with suffering advance insight and stir compassion instead of fear, hostility, or callousness?

One way to help relieve the pain is simply to embrace suffering with care and attention, whether it is arising in ourselves or we’re watching atrocity unfold around the world. Another option is to cultivate compassion. As meditation teacher Scott Tusa says, “Compassion allows us to bear witness in a way that softens us and opens us, rather than breaks us down.” It brings us together and fortifies us where we otherwise might feel isolated and helpless. 

This week’s Three Teachings explores how developing compassion through practice and in everyday life can help sustain us through adversity near and far.

Why We Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Suffering By Thich Nhat Hanh 

Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh says that we shouldn’t fear suffering; we should fear not knowing how to handle our suffering. Therefore, looking away isn’t the answer. Rather, we should look closely with mindful attention.
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On Bearing Witness and the Wisdom of Karuna By Jessica Angima

First-generation Kenyan-American organizer and social practice artist Jessica Angima offers advice and practical steps for cultivating clear seeing, resilience, and ultimately skillful action in the face of suffering.
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Fostering Boundless Compassion: The Root of Connection By Scott Tusa

In the third of a four-part Dharma Talk, meditation teacher Scott Tusa explains how developing compassion allows us to soften and open instead of shutting down or shutting out harsh realities. In turn, this leads to greater connection.
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