Friday, February 21, 2025

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Living: Abstaining from Harming Living Beings

Undertaking the Commitment to Abstain from Harming Living Beings
Harming living beings is unhealthy. Refraining from harming living beings is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning the harming of living beings, one abstains from harming living beings; with rod and weapon laid aside, gentle and kindly, one abides with compassion for all living beings. (MN 41) One practices thus: "Others may harm living beings, but I will abstain from the harming of living beings." (MN 8)

A layperson is not to engage in the livelihood of trading in living beings. (AN 5.177)
In the ancient world there was a lot of abuse and exploitation of people through servitude and slavery. The Buddha recognized this as a toxic enterprise and steered his followers away from participating in such practices. Yes, wealthy Buddhists had servants, but many texts emphasize the importance of treating them well, including paying them fairly and giving them time off and medical support.
Daily Practice
Take stock of how much harm to others is generated from your chosen field of livelihood. See what measures might be taken to treat people more fairly, reduce inequality, and actively promote the common good. In particular, if you find yourself engaged in an industry that is systemically and systematically abusive, take steps to change professions. Causing harm to others or yourself is not healthy. 
Tomorrow: Restraining Unarisen Unhealthy States
One week from today: Abstaining from Taking What is Not Given

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