Friday, June 17, 2011

Via JMG: Pam's House Blend Joins Firedoglake

At today's Morning News Dump with Lizz Winstead, Pam Spaulding made the big announcement that she'll be folding Pam's House Blend into a subblog on Firedoglake. FDL founder Jane Hamsher:
Pam's House Blend has long been one of the most compelling and influential sites in the blogosphere. Founder Pam Spaulding has used the platform not only to speak out herself as a woman of color and a member of the LGBT community, but also to play host to many other fine bloggers who have worked with her to build PHB into a robust activist community. Pam was also one of my first friends when we were both posting at Daily Kos, before Firedoglake even existed.

So it gives me great pleasure to announce that Pam's House Blend will be joining the Firedoglake family of blogs. I think it's a perfect union - as the task of hosting a blog and performing the tech, legal and security work to keep it up and running becomes more and more complex and expensive, it will free Pam and her fellow bloggers to spend their time doing what they do best, which is blog. It also allows us to feature the work of a really amazing group of writers on FDL, and be tremendously enriched by the PHB community.
We wish her well.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Quote Of The Day II - Albert Mohler

"We've (Southern Baptists) lied about the nature of homosexuality and have practiced what can only be described as homophobia. We've used the choice language when it is clear that sexual orientation is a deep inner struggle and not merely a matter of choice." - Southern Baptists president Albert Mohler, speaking at this year's convention. Mohler also said: "Only the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ gives a homosexual person any hope of release from homosexuality."

NOTE: It's unclear if Mohler's comments were prompted by the demand for an apology made earlier this week by groups such as GetEQUAL and Truth Wins Out.

reposted from Joe

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Via JMG: MINNEAPOLIS: Lesbian Couple Yelled At For Kissing At Twins Baseball Game

Via Minneapolis' City Pages blog:
Taylor Campione and Kelsi Culpepper -- two lesbian women from Minneapolis -- were recently scolded by a Target Field security guard for what they call a "brief kiss." After seeing the quick peck on the lips, the guard told the women that "we don't play grab ass here" and that they must "adhere to the 10 Commandments" while at the stadium. "That ruined our entire evening," says Campione. "We were super upset, we felt super uncomfortable." The security guard has since been reprimanded, but continues to work at the stadium, says Kevin Smith, a spokesman for the Twins. "That behavior just is unacceptable," Smith says of the biblical put-down. "That security guard has received both a verbal and written reprimand that will be put in his personnel file, and he understands that that is not an acceptable behavior."
The couple plans to file a complaint with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Today In Christian Love™

Activists in Kentucky are planning a peaceful response after two gay men with developmental and intellectual disabilities were kicked out of a public pool. A maintenance technician reportedly cited the Bible while telling the two men they couldn't swim at The Pavilion, a government-funded recreational facility in Hazard, Kentucky. "We own this place and can tell you to leave if we want to," the couple was told, according to the Kentucky Equality Foundation. "The Pavilion staff immediately entered the pool area and asked my clients and their staff to leave the Pavilion," Mending Hearts Executive Director Shirlyn Perkins recalled. "My staff asked The Pavilion staff why they were being asked to leave, and they were informed that 'gay people' weren't allowed to swim there."

reposted from Joe

MSNBC - Judge Walker's Ruling Upheld & Gay Marriage Now 1 Vote Shy In NY

Via JMG: Crazy Eyes: Horrible Lesbian Activists Held Me In The Ladies Room Against My Will!

Today the Daily Beast reports on a 2005 incident in which Michele Bachmann called the police when lesbian activists spoke to her in a ladies room.
A few dozen people showed up at the town hall for the April 9 event, and Bachmann greeted them warmly. But when, during the question and answer session, the topic turned to same-sex marriage, Bachmann ended the meeting 20 minutes early and rushed to the bathroom. Hoping to speak to her, Arnold and another middle-aged woman, a former nun, followed her. As Bachmann washed her hands and Arnold looked on, the ex-nun tried to talk to her about theology. Suddenly, after less than a minute, Bachmann let out a shriek. "Help!" she screamed. "Help! I'm being held against my will!"

Arnold, who is just over 5 feet tall, was stunned, and hurried to open the door. Bachmann bolted out and fled, crying, to an SUV outside. Then she called the police, saying, according to the police report, that she was "absolutely terrified and has never been that terrorized before as she had no idea what those two women were going to do to her." The Washington County attorney, however, declined to press charges, writing in a memo, "It seems clear from the statements given by both women that they simply wanted to discuss certain issues further with Ms. Bachmann."
As the above-linked story notes, just before Bachmann's ladies room encounter, she'd been exposed by the local press for hiding in the bushes (with a bodyguard) to observe a gay rights rally at the Minnesota capitol building.

reposted from Joe

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Via AMERICAbloggay:

Two gay men with disabilities kicked out of KY swimming pool: Told "gay people" not allowed to swim, per the Bible

Wow.  Sounds like we need a nationwide public accommodations law too.  I mean, swimming pools.  Could they pick a better civil rights example?

This is the problem with the Democrats' dawdling on ENDA the past two years (and now it's too late, since we lost the House).  We're far beyond ENDA as a community.  We need marriage and a comprehensive civil rights act, now.  And Democrats have no clue how far beyond them our movement has gone.  The problem is that the White House is only talking with the traditional gay groups, who no longer represent the community, treating the rest of us like diseased pariahs.  They don't like us, especially those of us who work with the Internet.  We're mean, you see, because we actually expect the President to be our fierce advocate without massive amounts of never-ending cajoling.  No cocktail parties for us.  The White House thinks that if they diss enough of us enough times, the repeated snubs will force us to be nicer to them the next time they drop the ball and don't do what they promised.  Wonder how that's working for them, what with an important election coming up and all.  As Joe likes to say, you'd think they'd be wooing the base about now.  Not so much.  They're wooing HRC.  But some day soon the White House is going to realize that HRC has about as many troops as the Vatican. And by then it's going to be too late.

I really thought we'd be working side-by-side with the White House on gay rights and all sorts of progressive issues, taking advantage of the huge mandate the public gave the President, and of the utter ruin in which George Bush left the Republican party.  Instead, we got someone who is better than a Republican on a number of issues.  I strive to be more in life than simply better than bad people on a number of issues.  I'd hoped our friends in the White House would as well.

Now back to Kentucky...

More from Raw Story:
"The Pavilion staff immediately entered the pool area and asked my clients and their staff to leave the Pavilion," Mending Hearts Executive Director Shirlyn Perkins recalled. "My staff asked The Pavilion staff why they were being asked to leave, and they were informed that 'gay people' weren't allowed to swim there."

"My staff told this man that what he was trying to do was discrimination. The man stated that what he was doing was in the Bible and he could do it. My staff continued to argue with this man, but was ultimately forced to leave. My clients, whom already feel ridiculed and different, left the city owned facility crying and embarrassed for trying to participate in 'normal' activities that everyday 'normal' people do," she added.

"This is completely outrageous, The Pavilion is owned by the City of Hazard and paid for by our tax dollars," Kentucky Equality Federation President Jordan Palmer said.

Via GP: GOP presidential candidates weigh in on homosexuality

Three Republicans who have announced their candidacies for president answered questions about LGBT issues this week. Herman Cain, a former business executive, said he believes homosexuality is sinful and a choice. Rick Santorum pledged his support for amending the U.S. Constitution to ban legal marriage for same-sex couples. Meanwhile, former Mass. Gov. Mitt Romney declined to say whether he believed homosexuality is a sin, but reiterated his opposition to marriage equality. RealClearPolitics (06/08) Towleroad (06/09) CBS News (06/09)

Via AmericaBlogGay:

Two gay men with disabilities kicked out of KY swimming pool: Told "gay people" not allowed to swim, per the Bible

And they even had the audacity to tell them outright that "gay people" weren't allowed in their public pool.  And there were witnesses.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Via Lincoln's Wet Paint:

Read this and after you are finished screaming obscenities, please read my comments.
Anti-Gay Bigots: Homos Are Bullying Us!
This takes the damn ass fucking cake, but it's no surprise to those of us on Twitter.

As the gay-rights movement advances, there's increasing evidence of an intriguing role reversal: Today, it's the conservative opponents of that movement who seem eager to depict themselves as victims of intolerance. To them, the gay-rights lobby has morphed into a relentless bully — pressuring companies and law firms into policy reversals, making it taboo in some circumstances to express opposition to same-sex marriage. "They're advocating for a lot of changes in the name of tolerance," said Jim Campbell, an attorney with the conservative Alliance Defense Fund. "Yet ironically the tolerance is not returned, for people of faith who don't agree with their agenda." Many gay activists, recalling their movement's past struggles and mindful of remaining bias, consider such protestations by their foes to be hollow and hypocritical.

Not agreeing over equal marriage is one thing. What these people are doing is quiet an other.
First I want to remind you that they are Hate Groups for repeatedly spreading known misinformation and out right lies against the LGBT population.
They use derogatory language at every turn. They rely on discredited "facts" and studies that are manipulated to fit their agenda. Several of the writers of these studies that they twist are coming forward to protest how the Hate Groups are using their findings.
They compare being gay with so many horrible things that I can't bear to write them. You all know what they are.
They blame us for everything under the sun that goes wrong, from the economy to natural disasters.

They say that homosexuals are worse than terrorists and should die. That homosexuals have no Family Values and want to make all their children homosexuals too. If homosexuals are allowed to marry, our kindergartners will be taught about homosexual sex. Homosexuals hate christians. Homosexuals hate God! Bullying is wrong...unless you want to tell a homosexual they are going to hell.

Got the picture?

Now you can lie all you want out here but you can not lie in court. The anti-marriage defence is lame at best and the courts keep finding in favor of fairness to all. 

They are scared. They know they will loose. They will do or say anything to win including waving the religion card. The FACT that the Catholic church is dumping money into the "war" and every board member is catholic may have something to do with that. The Fact that they are fighting about disclosure of funding in several states raises some good questions.

Homosexuals are taking away your freedom of religion. You will not be able to spread the word that God hates homosexuals. Homosexuals want to take away your rights.

Now they are the victims?

I think the fact that the Supreme Court allows for Phelps and the  WBC to continue to do their thing is proof that religious freedom is just fine. The only thing that will change is " If you receive public funds, you can not discriminate against the public." They can discriminate all they want as long as it is with their own money.

That we are "making it taboo in some circumstances to express opposition to same-sex marriage." That is not true. They can say what they want in their homes and house of worship. They can stand on the street corner and public protests.
There is no change in their freedom of speech or religion.

These Hate Groups want people to believe that exposing their lies, exposing their twisted "facts", exposing their hate toward gays, and proving that we are NOT all those nasty things is bullying.

They have turned themselves into victims....Not the LGBT population.


Via John Bush: Buddha Standard Time

Lama Surya Das, who contributed to the script of the Journey Into Buddhism films,
has written this brilliant new book. It is deeply wise and elegantly practical, and has the remarkable
quality of giving you both greater amounts of time and timelessness. A gift for anyone.


Lama Surya Das, who contributed to the script of the Journey Into Buddhism films, 
has written this brilliant new book. It is deeply wise and elegantly practical, and has the remarkable 
quality of giving you both greater amounts of time and timelessness. A gift for anyone.

“From early morning to late at night, from preschool to retirement, we rush through our lives in order to scrimp on time. But what if time did not control us? What if we felt that our time and our lives were our own?    — 
From Buddha Standard Time

HarperOne, an imprint of HarperCollins Publisher
May 2011 | Hardcover |$25.99 | ISBN: 9780061774560

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Life in the 21st century moves at break-neck speed. Yet despite our slavish dependency on instant coffee, express buses, ATMs, and 140 character tweets, we’re all strapped for time and desperately wish for more hours in the day. What if someone had a solution for how busy and stressed out we’ve all become?

Now in BUDDHA STANDARD TIME: Awakening to the Infinite Possibilities of Now, Lama Surya Das, national bestselling author and one of the foremost Western Buddhist teachers, offers an alternative to the ceaseless hustle and bustle of modern American life.

The problem begins, Surya Das says, with our relationship to time—we experience it linearly by moving forward doing and accomplishing things. But we are human beings not human doings, and the thinner we spread ourselves the more disconnected we become. That leaves us vulnerable to high blood pressure, heart attacks, stroke, insomnia, digestive ailments, and depression. We must eschew the notion that stress will melt away if only we could adapt to the frenetic pace of life. Instead the aim is to experience the Eternal Now, or what Surya Das calls “Buddha Standard Time”— the realm of timelessness where every choice, every action, and every breath can be one of renewal and infinite possibilities.  

With “Mindful Moments” exercises and “Time Out” meditations, Surya Das equips readers with tools to cure the “disease to please,” kick addictions, reconnect with nature, and gracefully embrace loss, sickness, and death. When we incorporate Buddha Standard Time, stress melts away, and we find greater focus, fulfillment, creativity and even wisdom. Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike will find inner peace and live more sanely and joyously by realizing we have all the time in the world.


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      — Sylvia Boorstein, author of Happiness Is An Inside Job
“Lama Surya Das is one of our best teachers of universal wisdom. Buddha Standard Time is fairly dripping with insights. It’s like a treasure to keep near you at all times.”
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Buddha Standard Time is a welcome antidote to the often frenetic pace of modern life. Drawing from the broad scope of his poetic, social and scientific interests, as well as the great depth of his Buddhist training, Lama Surya Das offers a wise and sane way to navigate these times. This pragmatic book will be illuminating and helpful for anyone wishing to find the timeless amidst the rush of time.”
         — Joseph Goldstein, author of One Dharma and A Heart Full of Peace

“A wealth of inspiration and practical tips for enjoying the Kingdom of God, the Pure Land of the Buddha, *now*.”
      — Bestselling author Thich Nhat Hanh


Lama Surya Das is the national bestselling author of Awakening the Buddha Within and Buddha Is As Buddha Does. A renowned Western Buddhist meditation teacher and scholar, he teaches and lectures around the world, conducting dozens of meditation retreats and workshops each year. Based on his relationship with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Surya Das founded the Western Buddhist Teachers Network and has organized three week-long conferences of Western Buddhist Meditation Teachers with the Dalai Lama in Dharamsala, India. He also teaches regularly at Esalen, Open Center, Omega Institute, Interface, at universities in the United States and abroad.

Booktour info

Via JMG: Boston Priest Defies Archdiocese, Declares Gays Welcome At Catholic Mass

Earlier this week I reported that the Archdiocese of Boston had moved to cancel a planned "All Are Welcome" Catholic mass in honor of gay Pride. Yesterday the Boston Globe reported that the local priest behind the idea is standing up to his bosses.
Sunday Mass at St. Cecilia’s Church in the Back Bay brought the first standing ovation any parishioner could remember. During the first Mass since the Archdiocese of Boston canceled one planned for next weekend in support of St. Cecilia’s gay and lesbian churchgoers, the Rev. John J. Unni preached a fiery message of unconditional love and what he called “acceptance of all." “You are welcome here, gay or straight, rich or poor, young or old, black or white,’’ Unni said as he paced up and down the center aisle. “Here, you all can say, ‘I can worship the God who made me as I am.’" Unni finished his homilies at the 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. Masses to thunderous applause.
The "All Are Welcome" special mass remains canceled, but members of the Rainbow Ministry will gather on the sidewalk outside the church next Sunday.

reposted from Joe

NCLR Executive Director Kate Kendell Reacts to Today's Perry v. Brown Hearing

Via JMG: Carl Siciliano On Tracy Morgan

"If Tracy Morgan is truly sorry for what he has done, then he should make the effort to learn the damage that is caused by homophobic parents and help to educate others about the terrible harm caused by parental rejection. He heard the crowd cheering him on. What if one of them has an LGBT child? I would advocate that his employer, NBC, join in this effort. Their power to reach millions is obvious. There is no more valuable effort that can be done for LGBT youth than to work to help them be loved and protected in their own homes." - Ali Forney Center executive director Carl Siciliano, writing for the Huffington Post.

RELATED: Morgan has agreed to meet with Siciliano and GLAAD.
During a call with GLAAD President Jarrett Barrios and members of GLAAD’s staff today, Morgan committed to meet this week in New York City with LGBT youth from the Ali Forney Center who have been hurt or left homeless by parental rejection as well as family members who have lost children to anti-gay violence. Those he will meet include Elke Kennedy, the founder of Sean’s Last Wish. Elke’s son Sean was killed by anti-gay violence in 2007 at the age of 20 in South Carolina, when another man called him a f*ggot and punched him so hard it broke his facial bones and separated his brain from his brain stem. Since that day, Elke has traveled more than 140,000 miles to speak in states across the country about hate violence and bullying. Morgan also committed to participate in GLAAD’s upcoming ‘Amplify Your Voice’ PSA campaign to combat anti-LGBT bullying.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: SEATTLE: Space Needle Launches Pride Flag Fundraising Challenge

Last year Seattle's iconic Space Needle flew the rainbow flag in recognition of gay Pride. But officials at the landmark said earlier this month that they would not be repeating the honor this year. That may change.
In response to a ground swell of support requesting the Rainbow Flag being raised again on Seattle Pride Weekend, the Space Needle has issued an exciting new fundraising challenge. If the community can raise $50,000 for 4 local charities, the Space Needle will raise the Rainbow Flag on Sunday of Seattle Pride weekend in Seattle. The Space Needle will also kick off the challenge with an inaugural donation of $5000.00.
The four beneficiaries of the campaign: Greater Seattle Business Association (GSBA) Scholarship Program, Lambda Legal, It Gets Better for the Trevor Project and Mary's Place. Contribute here.

(Via - Slog)

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Bankrupcy Court: DOMA Unconstitutional

The U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Central District of California has declared DOMA to be unconstitutional. The ruling arises from a case in which a married gay couple was denied the right to jointly declare bankruptcy. Chris Geidner at Metro Weekly provides the court's money quote:
This case is about equality, regardless of gender or sexual orientation, for two people who filed for protection under Title 11 of the United States Code (Bankruptcy Code). Like many struggling families during these difficult economic times, Gene Balas and Carlos Morales (Debtors), filed a joint chapter 13 petition on February 24, 2011. Although the Debtors were legally married to each other in California on August 20, 2008, and remain married today, the United States Trustee (sometimes referred to simply as “trustee”) moved to dismiss this case pursuant to Bankruptcy Code § 1307(c) (Motion to Dismiss), asserting that the Debtors are ineligible to file a joint petition based on Bankruptcy Code § 302(a) because the Debtors are two males.

reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Coalition Of Gay Groups Demands Apology From Southern Baptists Convention

A coalition of LGBT groups including GetEQUAL and Truth Wins Out is demanding an apology from the Southern Baptists Convention. Q Notes has the press release:
“We call on the Southern Baptist Convention to stop misusing the Bible to promote religion-based bigotry and start recognizing the enormous pain and suffering caused by its mistreatment of LGBT people, particularly vulnerable youth,” said Dr. Jack McKinney, a former Southern Baptist minister and spokesperson for Faith in America. “History has not been kind to the Southern Baptist Convention’s record on minorities, and it is making the same awful mistake today by perpetuating abuse against gay people.”

“The anti-gay teachings of the Southern Baptist church nearly led me to suicide,” said Dr. Jerry Stephenson, a former Southern Baptist minister and board member for Truth Wins Out. “I entered an ‘ex-gay’ ministry that falsely claimed I could change my sexual orientation and this led to a deep depression. Only after I accepted my true self was I able to reconcile my faith and sexual orientation. The Southern Baptist Convention needs to apologize because its policies are hurting real people.” This petition drive is being organized by the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists, Believe OutLoud, Faith in America, GetEQUAL, Soulforce and Truth Wins Out.
RELATED: Check out the URL the AFA uses on this story.

reposted from Joe


Prop. 8 supporters lose court battle

The federal court ruling nullifying Proposition 8's ban on gay marriage will stand for now, a judge decided today.


Today, in an historic and forceful decision, US District Court Chief Judge James S. Ware denied anti-marriage forces' motion to throw out the decision that ruled Prop. 8 unconstitutional.

He erased all doubt that the Prop. 8 trial was anything but fair and thorough and sent a powerful message that extreme fringe groups cannot strong-arm the law.

Read the decision >

Prop. 8 is hanging by a thread. AFER will be before the California Supreme Court in September and we expect to have a resolution on the issue of standing within months.

Today’s victory would not have been possible without the generous support of our members. If you haven’t yet contributed to support AFER’s case, please consider a donation to help us win the freedom to marry for every American.

Chad Griffin Portrait Chad Griffin SignatureChad GriffinBoard President
American Foundation for Equal Rights