A personal blog by a graying (mostly Anglo with light African-American roots) gay left leaning liberal progressive married college-educated Buddhist Baha'i BBC/NPR-listening Professor Emeritus now following the Dharma in Minas Gerais, Brasil.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Via JMG: Abstinence Works Because It Works
Despite all the data to contradict his position, Texas Gov. Rick Perry sits there and shamelessly tells the show's moderator that "abstinence education works." Watch this clip for a horrifying preview of the next year in GOP politics. (My apologies for the ad at the beginning.)
Watch live video from texastribune on Justin.tv
reposted from Joe
Via JMG: 2012 Candidates On LGBT Issues

Via JMG: GLSEN Fires Back At FRC
Last week I posted the latest lie-filled video attack on GLSEN by the shameless Christianist liars at the Family Research Council. Today GLSEN advises that they have sent a cease-and-desist letter to the FRC, demanding the removal of the video.
The false statements in the FRC video can do real and lasting harm to our work. FRC has made those false and defamatory statements in an obvious effort to raise money, undermine GLSEN’s work and maintain the status quo: school systems where LGBT students face unacceptable levels of harassment and violence and where anti-LGBT bias is a weapon of choice for bullies. We must respond forcefully and aggressively to defend our ability to fulfill our mission, and to protect ourselves and our partners in this critical work – the countless people in school communities across the country who work with GLSEN and our chapters to ensure safe and affirming schools for all students, utilizing our resources, attending our trainings, advocating with us for urgently needed change to make a positive difference in schools.I'm betting that the FRC ignores the letter.
Via AmericablogGay: Bachmann, who equated homosexuality to Satan, now claims she doesn’t judge gays
Busy weekend for GOP politics.
Michele Bachmann, the winner of the Ames straw poll, told David Gregory that of gays, "I don't judge them. I don't judge them." And, "I ascribe honor and dignity to every person...They have honor and dignity." Really? She's got a long history of homophobia, to the point of saying, "It’s a very sad life. It's part of Satan." Gregory played the clip from the 2004 speech where she made those remarks -- and actually did a good job trying to pin her down. Note how Bachmann tries to downplay her extreme hatred for gays when she speaks to broader audiences. Won't work. Her vicious homophobia and Marcus' ex-gay therapy issues will dog her campaign.
I don't think the GOPers realize how energized the LGBT community has become over the past few years. Barack Obama, who is ostensibly an ally, learned it first-hand. Right now, the Republicans are scrambling to get the right-wing homophobic vote. But, that's a shrinking group. More and more Americans are on our side. And, that's especially true for young voters. It's not 2004. And, I suspect the GOPers will be hearing a lot more from the LGBT community as they campaign.
Second-class citizenship won't sell in 2011-2012. And, that goes for civil unions, too.
Via JMG: Crazy Eyes: I Don't Judge Gay People
She just believes we're "of Satan" and that we all need to be brainwashing into being straight Christians. Watch Meet The Press host David Gregory rip her to shreds.
reposted from Joe
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Via JMG: Hate Groups Cheer Crazy Eyes
Hate groups leader, KKK fundraiser, and white supremacist Tony Perkins applauded yesterday's win by Rep. Michele Bachmann, saying it will be impossible to shrink the government if gay marriage is allowed. In the clip below, Perkins and his fellow panelist point out that the most anti-gay candidates finished the highest in the Iowa straw poll.
Labels: 2012 elections, Family Reseach Council, GOP, hate groups, Iowa, Michele Bachmann, Tony Perkins
reposted from Joe
Via AmericablogGay: Meet Gabe Aderhold, the 17 year old student who heckled Bachmann
Yesterday, Michele and Marcus Bachmann got heckled at the Iowa State Fair -- by 17 year old Gabe Aderhold. The Des Moines Register interviewed him:
Gabe Aderhold said before heckling Michele Bachmann at today’s Iowa State Fair that his mission was to help educate the representative about how harmful her rhetoric against gay and lesbians is to her constituents.
Aderhold, 17, is gay and said part of his reasons for speaking publicly is to bring awareness to gay issues after the death of a family friend – a 15-year-old gay boy who lived in Bachmann’s district and who committed suicide in 2009 after being bullied.
“It is her responsibility to address social issues in her area, and there have been six suicides in the last year from being bullied in her district,” Aderhold said to The Des Moines Register prior to heckling Michele Bachmann today at the Iowa State Fair.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Via AmericaBlogGay: A double loss for NOM in the First Circuit Court of Appeals
Any day that NOM loses is a good day for equality. But, when NOM loses twice, it's just so much better. From On Top Magazine:
In Maine and Rhode Island, NOM has been fighting disclosure laws that require advocacy groups to report details about their work, including their donors.
But in separate rulings released yesterday by the First Circuit Court of Appeals in Boston, the court upheld both states' disclosure laws.
In the Rhode Island case, the court ruled that the state's law imposed little burden on the group and served a valuable government interest, the Providence Journal reported.
In the Maine case, NOM argued that the state's reporting requirements are vague and over-broad, Maine Public Broadcasting Network reported.
Maggie and Brian have to realize that their little hate-based fiefdom is disintegrating around them. They're going to have to disclose their previously hidden donors, which will probably mean their revenue sources will dry up. Public opinion is turning against them big time. The courts are moving towards equality, too.
The demise of NOM is going to be so fun to watch.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Behind the Scenes of Michele Bachmann's Newsweek Cover
Take a look at the behind the scenes video of the cover shoot for Michele Bachmann's Newsweek cover. She was joined by her husband Marcus so she could get the right look down.
Via Political Loudmouth: Mitt Romney's Big Gay Secret
Quote of the day (via Dalai Lama):
Genuine respect will come about if we have more contact with one another and come to understand each other’s values. This is how we will develop admiration and appreciation for each other.
- Dalai Lama
Via Huffingtonpost: Bachmann Asked If She Is A 'Submissive Wife' At Iowa GOP Debate
"He is her godly husband," said Peter Bachmann, Dr. Bachmann's oldest brother, who lives on the family dairy farm across the eastern border in Wisconsin. "The husband is to be the head of the wife, according to God." It is a philosophy that Michele Bachmann echoed to congregants of the Living Word Christian Center in 2006, when she stated that she pursued her degree in tax law only because her husband had told her to. "The Lord says: Be submissive, wives. You are to be submissive to your husbands," she said.When York asked about whether she was submissive, the crowd booed and hissed, loudly.
Bachmann batted it aside. "I respect my husband, he's a wonderful godly man, and we respect each other."
As I said at the time of the Post profile, "Bachmann's really comfortable being her own woman. She gets by in the House's "boy's club" just fine. When she wanted to issue a response to the State Of The Union address that would steal away from her party's official response, she asked for neither permission nor forgiveness. If Bachmann's been spending her career doing her husband's bidding rather than her own, it's not remarkably apparent." I'm honestly surprised this even came up as a question.
make the jump here to read the full article
Via 365: Starbucks CEO cancels appearance at church linked to ‘ex-gay’ therapy
Starbucks founder and CEO Howard Schultz abruptly cancelled a speaking engagement at a church that once supported gay conversion therapy.
Starbucks denies the cancellation is connected to a Change.org petition launched last week asking Schultz to denounce the church’s connection to the “ex-gay” group Exodus International. That petition drew more than 700 signatures.
Susan DeLay, a spokeswoman for the church told The Chicago Tribune that Willow Creek’s views on homosexuality had evolved.
“They were one of the few Christian organizations having conversations with people who struggle with being gay,” DeLay said.
Bill Hybels, senior pastor of Willow Creek Community Church says he doesn’t believe homosexuality is a choice but that Scripture calls for gays and lesbians to be celibate.
Earlier this summer, Starbucks launched an investigation into claims that an openly gay barista was fired in New York for discussing his personal life. The company says they have a “zero tolerance for discrimination of any kind.”
Via AmericBlogGay: Boehner’s DOMA lawyers want to cite Maggie Gallagher, but avoid cross-examination
I have to admit, I'm really enjoying watching Edie Windsor's case against DOMA unfold. This is the first case where we're seeing the John Boehner's legal team, led by Paul Clement, in action. And, so far, not impressed. Edie's legal team, led by Roberta Kaplan, is simply awesome. Edie's lawyers are truly fierce advocates.
Last week, Boehner's lawyers opposed Edie's motion for summary judgment and filed a memo with their arguments. We posted it here. It was a memo filled with every anti-gay argument around. There were lots of citations from anti-gay literature and screeds. But, here's the thing. Edie's lawyers offered expert testimony from some of the most accomplished people in the country including Stanford Professor Gary Segura. Clement and his crew got to depose them. So, Edie's expert witnesses have testified under oath by Boehner's lawyers. But, Clement offered no experts. Instead, he tried to sneak in the testimony by citing a number of anti-gay documents in their memo on summary judgment. It's the kind of stuff that David Boies called "junk science." And, it's hearsay.
Yesterday, Edie's lawyers filed a motion to strike those documents (posted below.) In legal proceedings, lawyers from both sides are supposed to have access to witnesses. Clement tried to work around that. He also tried to pass off anti-gay screeds as expert writings. But, he's been called out.
I think one of the best examples of how this works plays out on Page 17 of the motion to strike:
For example, BLAG relies on citations to books and articles for the truth of the matters asserted as evidence that a marriage between a male and a female provides a stable and nourishing framework for child-rearing (BLAG 56.1 ¶47.) The co-author of one of those books, Maggie Gallagher, has achieved some notoriety in the media as the President of the Institute for Marriage and Public Policy, one of the most prominent lobbying groups against equal rights for same-sex marriage. However, plaintiff was given no opportunity to cross examine Gallagher by using her own statements from her many public statements and appearances on this subject.
See, Clement tried to be very clever. He wanted to get Maggie's testimony into the record with having Maggie deposed. And, if we noticed one thing about Maggie Gallagher, she really doesn't want to go under oath. Let me tell you, I'd buy a ticket to watch Roberta Kaplan depose Maggie Gallagher.
John Boehner is using our tax dollars to defend DOMA. He's paying Paul Clement a lot of money -- our money. And, as I've said many times, Boehner and Clement don't know what they're up against. Edie, Robbie and the rest of the legal team at Paul, Weiss, the ACLU and the NYCLU are in this one to win it. And, they're not letting Clement get away with anything.
Via AmericablogGay:
Santorum's latest: Marriage is like tea, not basketball
I'm waiting for him to find an analogy that contains "santorum."
Rick Santorum just can’t help himself. He has compared same-sex marriage to water and a napkin, but not beer or a paper towel. Yesterday, during an appearance in Iowa, he explained that “calling same-sex marriage a marriage would be like calling a cup of tea a basketball.”
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