The Serenity Prayer within the framework of the Four Noble Truths and their underlying understandings really resonates with me and I hope you all find it useful as well.
**Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: the Four Noble Truths, impermanence, dependent origination, not-self, and past karma.
The courage to change the things I can: by being mindful in the present moment so that my thoughts, speech, and actions will not harm myself or others now or in the future.
And the wisdom to know the difference: between doing what is skillful and what is unskillful.**
When we see things as they really are, the difference between the things we can change and the things we can not, become clear. It is this clarity that can bring us serenity, peace, and equanimity.
**Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change: the Four Noble Truths, impermanence, dependent origination, not-self, and past karma.
The courage to change the things I can: by being mindful in the present moment so that my thoughts, speech, and actions will not harm myself or others now or in the future.
And the wisdom to know the difference: between doing what is skillful and what is unskillful.**
When we see things as they really are, the difference between the things we can change and the things we can not, become clear. It is this clarity that can bring us serenity, peace, and equanimity.