escuchaste a alguien decir que Dios vive dentro y muy probablemente
crees en eso. Sin embargo, en un nivel más profundo, no tienes certeza
de ello y crees que Dios es un controlador punitivo, un cruel tirano que
no duda en castigarte y lanzarte al sufrimiento. La gran mayoría de las
personas carga con esta imagen reforzada por las grandes tradiciones
religiosas que nos enseñan a temer a Dios y a caminar en línea recta
para no ser castigados. E incluso si no perteneces a ninguna religión,
esta creencia te es transmitida a través de la figura de autoridad de
los padres. Y esto inevitablemente es proyectado en tu imagen de Dios.”
“You have already heard that God lives within, and it’s likely that you believe this to be true. But on a deeper level, you’re not so sure about this and you believe that God is a controlling punisher. You see God as a cruel tyrant that doesn’t hesitate to punish you and cast you into suffering. The vast majority of people carry this image within them, and it is reinforced by the great religious traditions that teach us to fear God and to stay in line so as to avoid punishment. Even if you don’t belong to any religion, this belief is transmitted to you through your parents’ authoritative figure. Eventually, this gets projected onto your own image of God.”
“You have already heard that God lives within, and it’s likely that you believe this to be true. But on a deeper level, you’re not so sure about this and you believe that God is a controlling punisher. You see God as a cruel tyrant that doesn’t hesitate to punish you and cast you into suffering. The vast majority of people carry this image within them, and it is reinforced by the great religious traditions that teach us to fear God and to stay in line so as to avoid punishment. Even if you don’t belong to any religion, this belief is transmitted to you through your parents’ authoritative figure. Eventually, this gets projected onto your own image of God.”