“El deseo es un poder que hace que las cosas se materialicen. La mente
es el árbol de realización de los deseos, pues es donde son forjados.
Puedes no percibirlo, pero está constantemente creando eso que llamas
realidad. No lo percibes porque tus deseos, muchas veces, son arrojados
en los sótanos del inconsciente y terminan siendo olvidados. Pero
normalmente, los deseos inconscientes contradicen y se sobreponen a los
deseos conscientes, porque siendo desconocidos, ganan fuerza y mayor
poder de materialización. Así el autoconocimiento es la única
herramienta capaz de ayudarte a crear la realidad de acuerdo con tu
voluntad consciente.”
"Desire is a power that makes things materialize. The mind is a wish-fulfilling tree, since that is where desires are forged. You may not realize it, but you are the one creating your own reality. If you’re unaware of this, it may be because your desires are relegated to the dungeons of the unconscious, and simply end up being forgotten about. Unconscious desires usually contradict and overpower our conscious desires. The desires gain strength and have a greater power to materialize precisely because we don’t know them. Self-awareness is the only tool that can help us shape reality according to our conscious will.”
"Desire is a power that makes things materialize. The mind is a wish-fulfilling tree, since that is where desires are forged. You may not realize it, but you are the one creating your own reality. If you’re unaware of this, it may be because your desires are relegated to the dungeons of the unconscious, and simply end up being forgotten about. Unconscious desires usually contradict and overpower our conscious desires. The desires gain strength and have a greater power to materialize precisely because we don’t know them. Self-awareness is the only tool that can help us shape reality according to our conscious will.”