“Nosotros seres humanos perdimosnuestranaturalidad y nos
volvimosartificiales. Esto ocurrió porque, en algún momento, perdimos la
confianza en la vida y el miedo se instaló en el sistema. El miedo
desarrolló la máscara y la máscara no permite que seamos nosotros
mismos. La máscara es un fingir ser; y fingimos con el objetivo de ser
amados. La máscara sirve para forzar al otro a amarnos. Pero como amor
forzado no es amor, eso solo genera más odio. Esta es la esencia de lo
que conocemos como sufrimiento.”
“Part of the human experience involves losing our naturalness and becoming more ‘artificial’. At a certain point in our development, we lose trust in life, and fear is programmed into our systems. Out of fear, the mask is developed and this mask does not allow us to be ourselves. The mask is a pretense that we put on with the goal of being loved. Thus, the mask is used to force the other to love us. Since forced love is not real love, this only creates more hatred. This is the root of what we call suffering.
“Part of the human experience involves losing our naturalness and becoming more ‘artificial’. At a certain point in our development, we lose trust in life, and fear is programmed into our systems. Out of fear, the mask is developed and this mask does not allow us to be ourselves. The mask is a pretense that we put on with the goal of being loved. Thus, the mask is used to force the other to love us. Since forced love is not real love, this only creates more hatred. This is the root of what we call suffering.