Friday, February 21, 2025

Via FB \\ TW: suicide.

TW: suicide.
This is Elisa Rae Shupe, the first person to obtain a legally recognized non-binary gender status in the US and a veteran, was found dead from an apparent suicide by hanging atop the Syracuse Veteran's Affairs Medical Center parking garage on Monday, January 27th, 2025.
She was found fully wrapped in the pink, blue, and white transgender pride flag. Elisa had emailed loved ones and a couple of news stations a letter immediately prior to taking her life, hoping at least one source would publish it, but none even bothered writing a story about it.
Here is the letter from Elisa Rae Shupe to the Trump Administration:
"Fuck You America!
I don’t want your hatred.
I don’t want the military decorations and medals you awarded me.
I don’t want your pension money for my distinguished military service and service-connected disabilities.
I don’t want your health care to treat the mental illnesses you caused
I don’t want more psychiatric ward commitments to keep me alive in a nation that I despise.
I don’t want to be buried in any of your state or national cemetery’s for veterans and military retirees.
I don’t want to be buried anywhere on American soil.
I don’t want any military honors or ceremonies to mark my death.
I don't want my ashes to be stored on American soil.
I want my ashes or remains to be spread or buried in international waters.
I don’t want your flag anywhere near my body, remains, or ashes.
I don’t want any members of my family other than my spouse to be on the vessel that disposes of my ashes or remains.
My death is not a surrender.
My death as a member of the third gender and transgender population does not mean you won.
It solely marks the end of our association.
You are not the land of the free.
You are not a country getting made great again.
Too much demonstrated hatred throughout your existence extinguishes any claim to previous greatness.
You are a cesspool of zealots that worship a god that does not and has not ever existed.
Enjoy your new royal family and third world dictator.
I refuse to participate any further.
Have that Nazi piece of shit Elon Musk and his DOGE henchmen deduct the savings from my $93,000 of federal pensions from your bankrupt coffers.
The white man decimated and massacred the indigenous populations of the third gender on the lands now called America. It was only fitting that a white person restored it.
You cannot erase non-binary and transgender people because you give birth to more of us each day."
Let's do the community and Elisa a huge favor by sharing the message she has in spite of the news media's failures.
user zerodoesntsleep on Substack completed the one and only article regarding Elisa's message by saying:
"They want us to believe that trans people don’t exist.
They want us to believe that all of us are disposable and unimportant but we are not.
We matter and the world needs our stories more than ever.
While rainbow capitalism has been fun it’s important to remember that the first Pride was a riot.
A trans woman picked up a brick and threw it back at the officers using force against the queer community.
We, a bunch of good looking freaks, said “fuck you stop hurting us”.
I believe we are going to be okay but we are going to need to get tough and stick together.
I believe in y’all.
Remember to bedazzle your brass knuckles and hide your faces.
See you divas on the streets."

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Living: Abstaining from Harming Living Beings

Undertaking the Commitment to Abstain from Harming Living Beings
Harming living beings is unhealthy. Refraining from harming living beings is healthy. (MN 9) Abandoning the harming of living beings, one abstains from harming living beings; with rod and weapon laid aside, gentle and kindly, one abides with compassion for all living beings. (MN 41) One practices thus: "Others may harm living beings, but I will abstain from the harming of living beings." (MN 8)

A layperson is not to engage in the livelihood of trading in living beings. (AN 5.177)
In the ancient world there was a lot of abuse and exploitation of people through servitude and slavery. The Buddha recognized this as a toxic enterprise and steered his followers away from participating in such practices. Yes, wealthy Buddhists had servants, but many texts emphasize the importance of treating them well, including paying them fairly and giving them time off and medical support.
Daily Practice
Take stock of how much harm to others is generated from your chosen field of livelihood. See what measures might be taken to treat people more fairly, reduce inequality, and actively promote the common good. In particular, if you find yourself engaged in an industry that is systemically and systematically abusive, take steps to change professions. Causing harm to others or yourself is not healthy. 
Tomorrow: Restraining Unarisen Unhealthy States
One week from today: Abstaining from Taking What is Not Given

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Via Daily Dharma: Grieving Is Not Clinging


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Grieving Is Not Clinging

As Buddhist practitioners, we aim to let go of our attachments. At first, grieving for something or someone we’ve lost may look like clinging, but it’s actually a process of acknowledging our loss, which allows us to heal from the pain and loosen our grip on the past.

Bradley Donaldson, “One Thing for Sure”


Encourage Others by Overcoming Your Own Suffering
By Venerable Pannavati
The co-abbot of Embracing Simplicity Hermitage discusses the transformative power of courage and compassion. 
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2025 Tricycle Film Festival
March 14–27, 2025
We invite you to join us for the second annual virtual Tricycle Film Festival from March 14–27, offering five feature-length films and five short films that you can watch all festival long, plus a live event with Ed Bastian, director of The Dalai Lama’s Gift.
Register now »

Via FB


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Via Bsky


Via Bsky / FB


Via FB / Truth Theory


Via FB


Via FB


Via Real SImple // The Morning Routine That Will Help You Live to 100


Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Action: Reflecting upon Bodily Action



Reflecting Upon Bodily Action
However the seed is planted, in that way the fruit is gathered. Good things come from doing good deeds, bad things come from doing bad deeds. (SN 11.10) What is the purpose of a mirror? For the purpose of reflection. So too bodily action is to be done with repeated reflection. (MN 61)

When you wish to do an action with the body, reflect upon that same bodily action thus: "Would this action I wish to do with the body lead to the affliction of another?" If, upon reflection, you know that it would, then do not do it; if you know that it would not, then proceed. (MN 61)
How much of our bodily action is intentional, done with full awareness, and how much of what we do is done out of habit? Seeing what you do as you do it, as when you observe yourself in a mirror, is one of the metaphors used for mindfulness. 

Daily Practice
Practice acting with full awareness. Even simple tasks like breathing and walking and eating can be fields for training the capacity for mindfulness. Then the ability will be available when more ethically challenging situations arise. It is a matter of becoming more sensitive to the implications of acting, and being more aware of everything we do. In this way we can plant healthy fruit, rather than just dealing with whatever arises. 

Tomorrow: Abstaining from Harming Living Beings
One week from today: Reflecting upon Verbal Action

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Via Daily Dharma: Appreciating Life

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Appreciating Life

It is precisely our recognition of life’s inevitable hardships, along with our uprooting of the attachment that exacerbates them, that allows us to appreciate the mere fact of being.

Reverend Patti Nakai, “Someone Is Jealous of You”


Naked Reality
By Vicki Mackenzie
Learn how Buddhist practice shaped Marina Abramovic’s performance art. 
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