Friday, November 3, 2023

[GBF] New Talk: Claiming our Unique Way of Living, with JD Doyle

Here's a new dharma talk that has been added to the GBF website and podcast.

As queer/non-conforming individuals, how do we claim our unique way of living, but also let go of our attachment to an identity?

In this talk, JD Doyle explores how we can re-orient ourselves to our lives, and connect with the non-human aspects of our world, such as other life forms and the natural world.

As we witness so many attacks on various categories of people, it’s easy to begin thinking of our world as fragmented. Instead, we can re-member, or bring together, the various parts of our fractured selves AND the people in our lives, present and past.

When we feel attacked, we long for security. This is when we must re-orient ourselves to what we actually need to be stable, vs. what we have come to believe we need to be safe. JD contrasts this with the Buddhist truth of impermanence and that letting go of these beliefs can reduce our suffering.

JD goes on to quote a book, ‘Hospicing Modernity‘ and speaks on how we can observe aspects of our world that are waning, or disappearing.

Listen to the full talk here:

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