Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Via Lama Rod Owens // Are you ready to let the ancestors hold you?


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Dear Friends,

What would it look and feel like to surrender to the care of ancestors?

To trust how deeply we are held by them always?

By connecting with our ancestors, we are practicing a form of decolonization and reconnecting to our indigenous ways of being.

This is a key part of the spiritual abolition work that I’ve been speaking of. In order to defy and break free from the carceral state, the labor that we do in the unseen world is equally important and impacts the material world we live in. I invite you to rely on ancestors to support us in getting free, and I’m offering a practice series this summer to facilitate the deepening of this work among BIPOC folks.

This ancestral practice will invite us towards healing traumas in our lineages and werking our grief through joy, celebration, and activating the gifts that our lived experience in BIPOC bodies offers us.

Whether you are well versed in connecting with your ancestors or not sure where to begin, come as you are!

Open to all who identify and hold lived experience as Black, Indigenous, a Person of Color, and/or a Person of the Global Majority, this practice series provides an opportunity to share ancestral work with one another through practice, storytelling, and discussion.

Join me at the intersection of multiple traditions, including Tantric Buddhism and indigenous shamanic ritual, which can support your protection, heart-opening, and grief work as you surrender to the care of the ancestors.

Lama Rod

P.S. If you don’t identify as BIPOC and/or of the Global Majority, please forward this to a friend or community member who does.

Letting the Ancestors Hold You

BIPOC Practice Series with Lama Rod Owens

Practice Sessions: Sunday, August 4th & Saturday, August 10th from 11:00am - 2:00pm ET

Homecoming Circle Session with Lama Rod & Guest Speakers: Sunday, August 11th from 11:00am - 2:00pm ET


Register Here
I am also offering a new Werk series, starting June 23rd, with a summer session on Embodying the Seven Homecomings for Protection and Cutting Through Confusion – check it out here!

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