Thursday, May 16, 2024

Via Tricycle \\ Three Teachings


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May 16, 2024
Taking Shelter
The act of taking refuge is the first step that sets us on the Buddhist path. 

To formally become a Buddhist, a practitioner “takes refuge” in the three jewels: the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha. We pledge to find home in the Buddha’s example, in his teachings, and in the community of fellow spiritual practitioners as we move along the spiritual path. 

Taking refuge in the three jewels provides a basic sense of safety and belonging that becomes the foundation of all of our spiritual work. Whenever challenges arise, this is the place that we return to. 

While taking refuge is a formal process and a religious ritual, it’s also a deeply personal act. The act of taking refuge can change us on the deepest level, with the potential to completely alter the way we engage with the world. Beyond words or formalities, the act of taking refuge reminds us that there is a home that we can always return to—no matter how turbulent or uncertain our lives become. 

What does refuge look like in our lives? Perhaps the best way to discover the true meaning of refuge is to hear from Buddhist practitioners on how taking refuge has impacted them.

In this week’s Three Teachings, Buddhist teachers and practitioners reflect on what refuge means to them.

Join us for Aging as a Spiritual Practice, our most popular course featuring Zen teacher and author Lewis Richmond. The course offers teachings and guided practices for embracing the opportunities for spiritual transformation within the aging process. 

A Refuge That No One Can Touch Helen Tworkov in Conversation with James Shaheen 

For Tricycle founder, Helen Tworkov, practicing the dharma is a way to connect to the deepest part of her—a place that is untouched by the difficulties of life. In conversation with editor-in-chief, James Shaheen, she discusses her new book Lotus Girl and her path to the dharma. 
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Dwelling in the Casita of Equanimity  With Daisy Hernández

During the pandemic, writer Daisy Hernández spent a lot of time thinking about refuge—a concept which, at the time, became more important than ever to many people. In this episode of Life As It Is, she shares how writing and spiritual practice offer places of sanctuary in her life.  
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Teachings for Uncertain Times: Taking Refuge In Community With Tuere Sala

According to Tuere Sala, a co-guiding teacher at Seattle Insight Meditation Society and retired prosecutor, taking refuge helps us develop trust during difficult times. In this video, she explains how being in community and sharing our experiences with others offers a deep courage and confidence to guide us on the path. 
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