Saturday, June 29, 2024

Via Dhamma Wheel | Right Effort: Developing Unarisen Healthy States


Developing Unarisen Healthy States
Whatever a person frequently thinks about and ponders, that will become the inclination of their mind. If one frequently thinks about and ponders healthy states, one has abandoned unhealthy states to cultivate the healthy state, and then one’s mind inclines to healthy states. (MN 19)

Here a person rouses the will, makes an effort, stirs up energy, exerts the mind, and strives to develop the arising of unarisen healthy mental states. One develops the unarisen investigation-of-states awakening factor. (MN 141)
The second of the seven factors of awakening is called the investigation of states, and this refers to a quality of curiosity and interest that naturally arises when we become mindful, or fully aware, of our own mental and emotional states. Anything looked at closely enough becomes interesting, even fascinating. Like any mental factor though, this quality of investigation usually requires some effort to arouse and sustain. 

Daily Practice
Make a point of taking an interest in things, even subtle aspects of your own experience. If your ear is itching, zoom in on that sensation and investigate it carefully: What does the itch feel like exactly? If you feel hurt by something said to you, take the time to see how that hurt actually manifests in your mind and body. By cultivating the quality of this awakening factor, the investigation of states, you build self-understanding.

Tomorrow: Establishing Mindfulness of Mind and Abiding in the Third Jhāna
One week from today: Maintaining Arisen Healthy States

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