Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Via GBF: "The Thousand Natural Shocks" with Laura Burges

How can Buddhist philosophy help us address the everyday suffering we encounter in a human body - the accidents, falls, missteps, mistakes, broken bones and broken hearts?

In this talk, Laura Burges recounts her own experience following a recent fall and injury.  She shares practices and reminders that can be helpful when we experience "The thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to" of which Hamlet spoke. 

Among these are:
1. Notice that you are safe in this moment.
2. Love your inner child and past.
3. Remember impermanence and that our troubles will change
4. Respond rather than react - stop and take 3 deep breaths.
5. Don't take things personally.
6. Find the things you can say yes to.   
Listen to the talk on your favorite podcast player or our website:

Enjoy 800+ free recorded dharma talks at www.gaybuddhist.org/podcast/

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