Sunday, July 28, 2024

Via Daily Dharma: Experience Buddha Within


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Experience Buddha Within

A perfectly clear state of a mind firmly established in great faith is in no way different from the clarity of the buddhanature in someone who has cast aside all discrimination and achieved self-awakening. The buddhanature itself is Buddha.

Yamada Mumon Roshi, “This Mind Itself Is Buddha”


Beyond the Ivory Tower
By Vanessa R. Sasson
A scholar discusses the dilemma of trickle-down education and how we can use fiction to share Buddhist stories.
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Khata: Purity or Poison?
Directed by Huatse Gyal
July’s film is still available! Khata: Purity or Poison?, directed by Huatse Gyal, explores the paradoxical relationship between the meaning of the Khata, a sacred scarf used in much of the Tibetan Buddhist world, and its materiality, between purity and poison, to raise awareness of the unintended consequences of our good intentions.
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