Thursday, September 12, 2024

Daily Dharma: What Lies Within


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What Lies Within

There is within you that which is beyond birth and death, beyond success and failure. It just knows that you are, and it is.

Yoshin David Radin, “Left Foot, Right Foot”


Embracing Personal Responsibility in The Parable of the Good Physician
By Mark Herrick
In Chapter Sixteen of the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha teaches that we can be saved only by our own efforts.
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Rebel for Life
Directed by Wouter Verhoeven
September’s film is available now! “Rebel for Life,” directed by Wouter Verhoeven is a powerful story about climate activism, the spirit of community, and the future of life on Earth. At the center of this engaging story is Vishal, a young hospital doctor turned climate activist, trained in mindfulness and peaceful activism in Plum Village, France. 
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