Sunday, September 22, 2024

VIA GBF // "Waking Up to the Nature of Reality" with David Lewis

Our latest dharma talk is now available.

Here's a 60-second audio preview

(part of our "Dharma Wisdom Nuggets" series)


What did the Buddha mean when he spoke of ignorance?

In this talk, David Lewis discusses the essence of mindfulness and the core principles of Buddhism, emphasizing direct experience over intellectual understanding. He explains that ignorance in Buddhism is not about a lack of information but rather the failure to see things clearly in the present moment. “Ignoring” the present reality and being caught up in thoughts can lead to suffering.

He discusses:

  • Perception and Misperception: David highlights that our perception is conditioned by our experiences, often leading to erroneous interpretations of reality. He uses the metaphor of blind men perceiving an elephant differently to illustrate how we can have differing understandings of the same phenomenon.
  • Insight and Ignorance: According to David, insight in Buddhism is not intellectual but a deeper, intuitive understanding that emerges from conscious awareness. It helps dissolve ignorance, which is the beginning of suffering.
  • The Three Characteristics of Existence:
    1. Impermanence (Anicca): Everything is in a state of change, and recognizing this helps us let go of attachments and fear of death or loss.
    2. Suffering (Dukkha): Often misunderstood as mere suffering, Dukkha refers to the inherent unsatisfactoriness and unreliability of life.
    3. Not-Self (Anatta): David discusses the concept of no-self, which challenges the idea of a permanent, unchanging self, promoting a deeper understanding of interconnectedness and letting go of ego-based clinging.

David emphasizes that these insights are tools for waking up to the nature of reality, leading to freedom from suffering. Meditation serves as a practice to cultivate awareness and wisdom, helping us to live in harmony with the true nature of things.


You can watch or listen to the full talk on our website or YouTube:

Waking Up to the Nature of Reality – David Lewis | Gay Buddhist Fellowship

Waking Up to the Nature of Reality - David Lewis 2024-09-08 (

or listen on your favorite podcast player.

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