Sunday, September 22, 2024

Vis The Tricycle Community // The Future of Life on Earth


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September 21, 2024

Climate Activism and the Spirit of Community
Will there be a future for all of us on Earth?

This question is at the center of the climate movement Extinction Rebellion, featured in the powerful documentary Rebel for Life. Inspired by Thich Nhat Hanh’s Plum Village community, the group’s mission is radical systemic change through non-violent civil disobedience. In this intimate portrayal of their dedication, the activists display what it means to be committed to the future of all life.

“I know, I can't unknow, that you are in peril, dear Earth, that we are heading for an iceberg and that we don't have long to turn the huge ship round and that most of your passengers are too busy soothing themselves to notice.” This letter from activist Satya emanates the grief and pain that these activists face in the wake of climate catastrophe, while at the same time demonstrates her intense love and empathy for the planet.

Rebel for Life directed by Wouter Verhoeven is September’s Film Club pick, available for subscribers now through the end of the month. Don’t wait to watch this story about climate activism, the spirit of community, and the future of life on Earth.

Also this week:
  • Our popular online course, The Five Spiritual Powers, is back for another live run beginning October 7! Gain confidence on your path, cultivate samādhi and wisdom, and deepen your meditation practice in this six-part course. Enroll today
  • In our most recent episode of Tricycle Talks, meditation teacher Andrew Holecek explores techniques that go beyond mindfulness to deeper transformation. Listen today
  • Watch our latest Dharma Talk featuring Gregory Kramer to learn how to harness the power of relationships to amplify mindfulness and deepen concentration. 

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