“Podemos decir que
el trabajo del ABC de la Espiritualidad es un instrumento que te ayuda a
tomar consciencia de aquello que está escondido, lo que posibilita que
dejemos de ser víctimas de la inconsciencia. Porque mientras no seamos
conscientes de las partes de nosotros mismos que sabotean nuestra propia
felicidad, seremos conducidos por ellas. Si tu vehículo es conducido
por un chofer que no conoces y que tiene malas intenciones contigo, es
posible que seas secuestrado. Entonces, tomar conciencia de quién está
conduciendo tu vehículo, es el primer paso para que puedas volver a ser
el conductor. Se trata de un proceso de empoderamiento de ti mismo.”
“The process we call the ABC’s of Spirituality is a tool that helps us become aware of what is hidden within us. It helps us to stop being victims of our own unconsciousness. As long as we are still unconscious of the parts within us that continue to sabotage our happiness, we continue being controlled by them. If our vehicle is being driven by an unknown driver who has bad intentions towards us, they may be kidnapping us. The first step is becoming aware of who in us is driving our vehicle so that we can regain control of the driver’s seat. This is a process of self-empowerment.”
“The process we call the ABC’s of Spirituality is a tool that helps us become aware of what is hidden within us. It helps us to stop being victims of our own unconsciousness. As long as we are still unconscious of the parts within us that continue to sabotage our happiness, we continue being controlled by them. If our vehicle is being driven by an unknown driver who has bad intentions towards us, they may be kidnapping us. The first step is becoming aware of who in us is driving our vehicle so that we can regain control of the driver’s seat. This is a process of self-empowerment.”