“Todo hijo de esta tierra quiere sentir alegría. Todos están en busca
de eso. Esta búsqueda nos mueve y nos lleva a realizar diferentes
experiencias en la vida. Algunas de ellas proporcionan alegría, pero
muchas veces también nos llevan al sufrimiento. Nos vamos moviendo de
una experiencia a la otra, de una relación a otra, hasta que percibimos
que esta alegría pasajera no es suficiente, porque ella siempre viene
con este otro componente: el sufrimiento. Con eso, ansiamos transitar de
este estado de dualidad hacia un estado de unidad y equilibrio, en el
cual la alegría sea permanente. Ahí se inicia la búsqueda por la
iluminación espiritual.”
“All children of this world want to feel joy. Everyone is in pursuit of this happiness. This search moves us and takes us towards different life experiences. Some of these experiences are joyful, but they oftentimes lead us to suffering as well. We continue moving from one experience to another, from one relationship to the other, until we realize that this fleeting happiness is not enough. This happiness always comes with another ingredient: suffering. Due to this, we yearn to transition from the state of duality to a state of unity and equilibrium, where joy is permanent. This is where the search for spiritual illumination begins.”
“All children of this world want to feel joy. Everyone is in pursuit of this happiness. This search moves us and takes us towards different life experiences. Some of these experiences are joyful, but they oftentimes lead us to suffering as well. We continue moving from one experience to another, from one relationship to the other, until we realize that this fleeting happiness is not enough. This happiness always comes with another ingredient: suffering. Due to this, we yearn to transition from the state of duality to a state of unity and equilibrium, where joy is permanent. This is where the search for spiritual illumination begins.”
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