Sunday, July 14, 2024

Via Daily Dharma: Clean Your Mirror


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Clean Your Mirror

Remember that life is like a mirror: Everything you perceive reflects your inner world. Cleaning your dirty mirror of distorting smudges means clearing self-deception and coming closer to the truth.

Khangser Rinpoche, “Your Life Is a Mirror”


Weathering the Eight Worldly Winds
Cristina Moon in conversation with James Shaheen 
In this episode of Tricycle Talks, Tricycle’s editor-in-chief, James Shaheen, sits down with movement strategist and Zen priest Cristina Moon to discuss the importance of learning to face challenges directly and the role of swordsmanship and the fine arts in Zen training.
Listen now »

Khata: Purity or Poison?
Directed by Huatse Gyal
July’s film is available now! “Khata: Purity or Poison?,” directed by Huatse Gyal, explores the paradoxical relationship between the meaning of the Khata, a sacred scarf used in much of the Tibetan Buddhist world, and its materiality, between purity and poison, to raise awareness of the unintended consequences of our good intentions.
Watch now »

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