“La pereza es una matriz psicológica que está relacionada a
sentimientos negados y congelados en el cuerpo emocional. Estos
sentimientos actúan como una barrera que impiden la circulación de la
energía. Con el tiempo, ese bloqueo del sistema energético comienza a
provocar somatizaciones, es decir, comienza a provocar desequilibrio
hasta mismo en el cuerpo físico. La pereza provoca una parálisis - ella
impide la acción, que es nuestra respuesta a los estímulos de la vida. Y
es la acción lo que posibilita el movimiento y el desarrollo de la
“Laziness is a psychological matrix related to denied feelings that are frozen in the emotional body. These feelings act as a barrier that prevents our energy from circulating. Over time, these blockages in our energy systems begin to create somatizations. In other words, they eventually cause imbalances in the physical body. Laziness leads to paralysis, which prevents us from acting. Action is our response to the stimulus of life; it is what allows for movement and the development of consciousness.”
“Laziness is a psychological matrix related to denied feelings that are frozen in the emotional body. These feelings act as a barrier that prevents our energy from circulating. Over time, these blockages in our energy systems begin to create somatizations. In other words, they eventually cause imbalances in the physical body. Laziness leads to paralysis, which prevents us from acting. Action is our response to the stimulus of life; it is what allows for movement and the development of consciousness.”