“A veces, lo que te impide manifestar tus dones y talentos para la
realización de tu propósito es el miedo a la grandeza de tu alma. Muchas
veces, el mayor miedo no es el de sentir dolor, sino atravesarla y
encontrarse con algo que está más allá de los dominios del ego y de la
mente, más allá de tus referencias. Tienes miedo de moverte en dirección
a lo desconocido, hacia algo que no dominas. Aunque esto sea todo lo
que quieras; aunque sea extremadamente placentero crecer, expandirse y
desarrollar tu fuerza, tienes miedo. Tienes miedo de ser libre. Pero la
realización del propósito del alma está intrínsecamente relacionada con
la libertad.”
“Sometimes, what prevents us from manifesting our gifts and talents to help accomplish our higher purpose is the fear of embracing the greatness ofour soul. Often times, the biggest fear is not of feeling pain, but rather to go past it and to encounter something beyond the dominion of the ego and the mind, surpassing all of our reference points. We are afraid to move in the direction of the unknown, towards something that we have not yet mastered. Even if it is everything we desire. Even though it is extremely pleasurable to grow, to expand and develop our strength, we still fear this. We are afraid of being free. However, fulfilling the purpose of the soul is intrinsically related to freedom.”
“Sometimes, what prevents us from manifesting our gifts and talents to help accomplish our higher purpose is the fear of embracing the greatness ofour soul. Often times, the biggest fear is not of feeling pain, but rather to go past it and to encounter something beyond the dominion of the ego and the mind, surpassing all of our reference points. We are afraid to move in the direction of the unknown, towards something that we have not yet mastered. Even if it is everything we desire. Even though it is extremely pleasurable to grow, to expand and develop our strength, we still fear this. We are afraid of being free. However, fulfilling the purpose of the soul is intrinsically related to freedom.”