“Libertad es seguir el flujo del corazón. El sufrimiento nace porque
seguimos los comandos de la mente condicionada, pues ella muchas veces
nos lleva en la dirección opuesta a la que determina el corazón. La
mente condicionada está envenenada por el pasado; está contaminada por
la idea de hacer justicia con las propias manos. Quieres vengarte por el
hecho de haber sido herido, entonces controlas, argumentas, exiges, y
haces de todo para que las cosas sucedan de la forma en que crees que
van a funcionar. Sin embargo, esta acción te aleja cada vez más de tu
“Freedom means following the flow of our hearts. Suffering is born when we obey the commands of the conditioned mind, as it often leads us in the opposite direction of where our hearts tell us to go. The conditioned mind has been contaminated by the past and filled with the idea of taking justice into our own hands. When we seek revenge because we were hurt, we start to control, argue, demand and do everything we can to make things happen the way we think is right. However, this behavior distances us more and more from our own hearts.”
“Freedom means following the flow of our hearts. Suffering is born when we obey the commands of the conditioned mind, as it often leads us in the opposite direction of where our hearts tell us to go. The conditioned mind has been contaminated by the past and filled with the idea of taking justice into our own hands. When we seek revenge because we were hurt, we start to control, argue, demand and do everything we can to make things happen the way we think is right. However, this behavior distances us more and more from our own hearts.”