“Rezar para que
todos sean felices es algo realmente significativo. Pero hasta que
puedas manifestar ese amor por todos los seres (hasta que puedas
volverte esa oración), será necesario aprender a amar a quien está cerca
tuyo, aquel con quien estás vinculado emocionalmente. Para que puedas
en algún momento amar a la gran familia, necesitarás amar a tu pequeña
familia. A veces los obstáculos para amar a la pequeña familia son tan
grandes que primero tienes un vislumbre del amor por la gran familia –
pero solamente un vislumbre, porque no es posible sustentar esa apertura
sin haber purificado el núcleo de amor. Y solo completas esa
purificación cuando aprendes determinadas lecciones que dicen respecto a
la pequeña familia.”
“Praying for all beings to be happy is a truly significant thing. For you to be able to manifest this love for all beings, and to become this prayer, you will first have to learn to love those near you who you are linked to emotionally. In order for you to love the big family, you have to love your small family. Sometimes, the obstacles to loving your immediate family are so great that you get a glimpse of love for the global family first – but only a glimpse, as it’s impossible to sustain this opening if you have not purified the nucleus of love first. You only complete this purification process when you learn certain lessons related to your direct family.”
“Praying for all beings to be happy is a truly significant thing. For you to be able to manifest this love for all beings, and to become this prayer, you will first have to learn to love those near you who you are linked to emotionally. In order for you to love the big family, you have to love your small family. Sometimes, the obstacles to loving your immediate family are so great that you get a glimpse of love for the global family first – but only a glimpse, as it’s impossible to sustain this opening if you have not purified the nucleus of love first. You only complete this purification process when you learn certain lessons related to your direct family.”