“Estoy trabajando para que haya cura en las relaciones. Me refiero a un cambio de eje: querer recibir menos y dar más. Porque esta es la llave para el fin de aquello que es una de las principales causas de sufrimiento en este planeta, la carencia afectiva. No depender de nadie para ser feliz es libertad. No estás con alguien porque necesitas, sino simplemente por querer. Solamente esta libertad permite la elección.”
“I am working to promote a healing within all relationships. This will
require a complete change in axis, in which each partner truly wants to
receive less and to give more. This can put an end to one of the
greatest causes of suffering on the planet: emotional neediness. Not
having to depend on anyone for our own happiness is freedom. In other
words, this means not staying in a certain relationship because you need
to, but simply because you want to. Only by having freedom are we able
to make this choice.”