Monday, November 9, 2015

Via Join the Coffee Party Movement / FB:

What politicians do you know who vote and support issues according to their conscience even if it may not be politically advantageous? We need to make them all household words.


Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 09/11/2015

"A sensação de separação faz parte da natureza deste plano da existência no qual estamos vivendo a experiência da individualidade através do ego. O ego é como uma gota de água que está separada do oceano: estando separada, ela não se sente pertencendo, porém ela desconhece que sua própria essência é o oceano. Assim é a entidade humana em evolução: tomada pela ilusão da separação, acredita ser apenas um corpo isolado, enquanto a realidade é que ela é o próprio Espírito que habita todas as coisas."

"La sensación de separación es parte de la naturaleza de este plano de la existencia en el cual estamos viviendo la experiencia de individualidad a través del ego. El ego es como una gota de agua que está separada del océano: estando separada, no se siente perteneciendo, sin embargo desconoce que su propia esencia es el océano. Así es la entidad humana en evolución: tomada por la ilusión de la separación, cree ser solamente un cuerpo aislado, cuando la realidad es que es el propio Espíritu que habita todas las cosas."

"A sense of separation is one of the pillars maintaining the existential anguish that pervades human life. Therein lies the sense of failure. After all, what else can be the fate of a droplet of water that is separate from the ocean but to dry up and disappear? The only way for the droplet to survive is to return to the ocean."

Today's Daily Dharma: Simple as That

Simple as That
Actions conditioned by greed, hatred, and delusion bring a heavy burden of suffering. On the other hand, actions conditioned by generosity, loving kindness, and wisdom lead to a light and happy sense of well-being. Simple as that.
—Vaddhaka Linn, "Does Self-Help Help?"
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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 08/11/2015

“Sinto que estamos vivendo um momento no qual a Mãe divina, na forma da crise de sustentabilidade, está vivendo as dores do parto - ela está parindo a Verdade. Ela está tentando nos ensinar alguma coisa. Esse processo é bastante caótico, porém o universo nasce do caos. Esse é o movimento que possibilita a transformação.”

“Siento que estamos viviendo un momento en el que la Madre Divina, en la forma de la crisis de sustentabilidad, está viviendo los dolores del parto –está pariendo a la Verdad-. Está intentando enseñarnos algo. Este proceso es bastante caótico, sin embargo el universo nace del caos. Este es el movimiento que permite la transformación.”

“Due to the current sustainability crisis we are experiencing, I feel that the divine Mother is going through intense labor pains, as she is birthing the truth. The Divine Feminine is trying to teach us something. This process is rather chaotic though,just as the universe was born out of chaos. This movement is what enables the possibility for transformation to occur.”

Satsang completo:

Today's Daily Dharma: No Matter What

No Matter What
We train our minds by looking into them. We just look in, not allowing ourselves to be carried away by our perceptions; we just look into what is going on, and ask, “Where does this come from?” We are training ourselves in the practice and study of Buddhism so that our thoughts and emotions do not disturb our true-nature mind, so that we can sit imperturbably no matter what.
—Maurine Stewart, "Our One and Only Commandment"
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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pedro Tornaghi's photo.

5 passos para a felicidade:

1. Sorria mais.
2. Pense menos.
3. Esteja presente.
4. Dê mais.
5. Espere menos.

Da tradição budista

Ancient Wisdom in Modern Times - Deepak Chopra and Sadhguru, moderated by Ms. Chandrika Tandon

Via JMG: GALLUP: Post-Obergefell Nearly One Million Americans Are Now In A Same-Sex Marriage

Gallup estimates that nearly 100,000 same-sex weddings have taken place since the Obergefell ruling, pushing the total number of Americans in a same-sex marriage to nearly one million. They report:
The practical legal impact of the Obergefell decision was to invalidate laws in 13 states that did not recognize same-sex marriages. Since then, the percentage of same-sex married couples increased from 26% to 31% in those states. Prior to Obergefell, states that did not recognize or conduct marriages of same-sex couples still had same-sex married couples residing there. But those couples either married elsewhere or considered themselves married even if the state did not. Those spouses’ rights were enhanced by the Supreme Court’s 2013 ruling in U.S. v. Windsor that ensured the federal government would recognize marriages of same-sex couples even in states where such marriages were not recognized by the state.
But states whose laws were not affected by the Obergefell ruling have also seen a notable increase in same-sex marriages over the last four months. Currently, 49% of same-sex couples living together in states where same-sex marriages were already legal report being married, compared with 42% prior to the decision. That means same-sex couples living together in these states are now as likely to be married as not married.
Overall, 3.9% of all Americans identify as LGBT, and 0.4% of all Americans are in a same-sex marriage. The latter figure is up from 0.3% before the ruling. Those figures can be used to estimate that there are now approximately 972,000 Americans in a same-sex marriage, up from approximately 780,000 before the ruling. Put differently, there are now approximately 486,000 same-sex marriages in the U.S., compared with approximately 390,000 four months ago.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 07/11/2015

“Ainda estamos evoluindo do estado primitivo para o estado humano. Nos movemos desse estado de ignorância e estupidez, no qual estamos completamente identificados com o ego e com a ilusão de separação; atuando através de mecanismos de defesa que nos tornam violentos e maldosos, para o estado humano. Em outras palavras, transitamos do estado demoníaco para o estado humano. E somente nos tornaremos verdadeiramente humanos quando formos capazes de manifestar valores humanos.”

“Todavía estamos evolucionando del estado primitivo hacia el estado humano. Nos movemos desde este estado de ignorancia y estupidez, en el que estamos completamente identificados con el ego y con la ilusión de separación; actuando a través de mecanismos de defensa que nos hacen violentos y malos, hacia el estado humano. En otras palabras, transitamos del estado demoníaco hacia el estado humano. Y solamente nos volveremos verdaderamente humanos, cuando seamos capaces de manifestar valores humanos.”

“Looking at humanity in global terms, we see that we are still largely evolving from a more primitive state of consciousness to a more ‘human’ state, moving beyond ignorance and senselessness. When we are still identified with our egos andthe illusion of separation, weusually act through defense mechanisms,at times even causing us to be violent or malevolent. We only become truly human when we are capable of manifesting human values.”

Satsang completo no link abaixo:

Today's Daily Dharma: Nature's Reward

Nature's Reward
If instead of generating anger or hatred or passion or fear or ego, I generate love, compassion, goodwill, then nature starts rewarding me. I feel so peaceful, so much harmony within me. It is such that when I defile my mind I get punishment then and there, and when I purify my mind I get a reward then and there.
—S.N. Goenka, "Superscience"
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Friday, November 6, 2015


The Prayer/祈请文
“ The Seven Line Prayer is not just a simple supplication.  It has everything in it, the path, the view, meditation, action, everything…” by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche


Tibetan / 藏文
༄༅། །གུ་རུ་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་ཚིག་བདུན་གསོལ་འདེབས་བཞུགས་སོ། །

ཧཱུྂ༔ ཨོ་རྒྱན་ཡུལ་གྱི་ནུབ་བྱང་མཚམས༔

Phonetic Tibetan Spelling /藏语拼音
hung orgyen yul gyi nubjang tsam / 邬金由吉努江参
pema gesar dongpo la / 贝玛给萨东波拉
yatsen chok gi ngödrub nyé / 雅参秋给俄珠涅
pema jungné shyé su drak /贝玛炯内些苏扎
khor du khandro mangpö kor / 阔都康卓忙波阔
khyé kyi jesu dak drub kyi / 切记借苏达助吉
jingyi lab chir shek su sol / 钦吉拉起谢苏所
guru pema siddhi hung / 咕噜贝玛悉地吽

Sanskrit / 梵文
हूं ! ओडियाने वायव्ये पद्मकेसरकांडे
सिद्धिर्लब्धात्यद्भुता ख्यात पद्मसम्भवः
बहुडाकिनीभिरावृत तवैवानुसारामि
आयाह्यधिष्ठानार्थम् गुरु पद्मसिद्धि हूं!

Hum! Odiyaane Vaayavye,
Padma Kesar kaande,
Siddhir labdhat yadbhutah,
Khyaata Padmasambhava,
Bahudaakini bhiraavrita,
Tavaiva anusaraami,
Aaya Adhishtha Naartham,
Guru Padma Siddhi Hum!

English /英文
Hūṃ,On the northwest border of the land of Uḍḍiyāṇa,
On the pistil of a lotus flower and stem,
You attained supreme wondrous siddhi,
Renowned as Padmakara,
Surrounded by a retinue of many ḍākinīs.
Following you, I reach accomplishment;
Please come and grant your blessings!
Guru Padma Siddhi Hūṃ

Chinese / 中文

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do dia - Flor del día - Flower of the day 06/11/2015

“Você está onde se coloca. Se algo de ruim aconteceu na sua vida foi você que abriu a porta para isso. Sim, é possível que você tenha encontrado alguém que foi canal de uma extrema estupidez. É possível que alguém tenha sido realmente maldoso com você. Mas por alguma razão você precisou desse encontro que te machucou tanto. Existem pessoas que realmente não podem ser amigas, mas o problema não é esse, é você ficar encantado com isso, preso num ciclo vicioso que sabota a sua felicidade.” 

“Estás donde te colocas. Si algo malo sucedió en tu vida fuiste tú quien abrió la puerta para esto. Sí, es posible que hayas encontrado a alguien que fue canal de una estupidez extrema. Es posible que alguien haya sido realmente malo contigo. Pero por alguna razón necesitaste de este encuentro que te lastimó tanto. Existen personas que realmente no pueden ser amigas, pero el problema no es este, es que te quedes encantado con esto, atrapado en un ciclo vicioso que sabotea tu felicidad.”

“We are exactly where weplace ourselves. If something horrible happens in our lives, believe it or not, at some level we were responsible for opening the door to this experience. It is possible that we may haveencountered someone who was a channel for extreme senselessness, or someone who really wishedus harm. But for some reason, we may have actually been unconsciously seeking out thisexperience that caused us so much pain. There are some people who just can’t be friends with each other, but this is not the problem. The issue lies in becomingfixated on the negative experience or situation,getting stuck in a vicious cycle that sabotages our happiness.”

Today's Daily Dharma: Lighten Your Load

Lighten Your Load
Relinquishing is the ground for practicing 'beginner’s mind.' It helps us see things anew, as they really are; to be willing to listen to the thoughts and ideas of others with an open mind. So the relinquishing of thoughts and ideas about which we have been adamant can give us a sense of freedom, joy, and spaciousness.
—Allan Lokos, "Lighten Your Load"
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Thursday, November 5, 2015

HERO via Kate Clinton

Where Is Gay Marriage Legal? Statista's Map Shows The Countries That Allow Same-Sex Marriage — And Those That Don't


Now that same-sex marriage is legal in the United States, it's tempting to shut the book on LGBT rights and say they've been achieved. Despite recent progress, though, the fight is far from over, and nothing illustrates this better than this recent map showing where gay marriage is legal around the world created by Statista in conjuction with The Independent's i100 blog. Of course, marriage equality is hardly the be-all and end-all of LGBT rights; in fact, some in the community feel that its publicity eclipses equally pressing matters, such as violence against trans individuals and bisexual visibility. That being said, the topic is undoubtedly indicative of larger attitudes toward LGBT rights in a country — after all, discussing marriage equality at all requires a certain amount of acceptance of same-sex couples in the first place.

Using data from the Pew Research Center regarding marriage laws around the world, Statista put together a map showing which countries allow same-sex couples to marry — and as an LGBT person myself, the infographic elicits a combination of pride and sadness. It's no surprise to see that countries like the Canada and the UK, where the LGBT community is at an all-time height of visibility and acceptance, have passed same-sex marriage laws. 

However, the map is also an illustration that even countries you don't immediately associate with LGBT equality have made progress: South Africa, parts of Mexico, and Uruguay all allow marriage equality.

On the other hand, the reverse is also true. Most notably, Australia is a gigantic blank spot — despite years of activism, same-sex marriage is still illegal in the Land Down Under. What the hell, Australia?