Friday, May 21, 2010

Via Buzz: Unequal Protection

“If you wonder why and when giant corporations got the power to reign supreme over us, here’s the story.” — Jim Hightower


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A Thom Hartmann Autographed Edition. Newly Revised and Updated "Unequal Protection: How Corporations Became "People" -- And You Can Fight Back." Expanded Edition to be Released on May 14th.

By Thom Hartmann's Review (excerpt)

This is the hot off the presses updated and expanded version of Thom Hartmann's prescient book, which warned of the dangers of corporate personhood, and provides its historical shaky legal grounding dating back to the late 1800s.

Thom Hartmann's Update and Expanded Edition of
Unequal Protection

Includes discussion of the infamous January 2010 Supreme Court Citizens United case allowing "corporate personhood" to more easily buy elections.

Especially Autographed for BuzzFlash Readers by Thom Hartmann for a limited time.

Released on May 14, 2010

The Rise of Corporate Dominance and
the Theft of Human Rights

• By America’s most popular progressive radio host

• Updated throughout, including analysis of recent critical Supreme Court decisions

• Reveals how corporations achieved their current near-imperial status and what we can do to change it

Unequal taxes, unequal accountability for crime, unequal influence, unequal control of the media, unequal access to natural resources—corporations have gained these privileges and more by exploiting their legal status as persons and by winning special protections that enable them to avoid the responsibilities that come with these rights. How did something so illogical and unjust become the law of the land? Is there a way for American citizens to recover democracy of, by, and for the people? Thom Hartmann takes on these difficult questions and tells a startling story that will forever change your understanding of American history.

Americans have been struggling with the role of corporations since before the birth of the republic. Hartmann uncovers evidence that the Boston Tea Party was actually a protest against actions of the East India Company—the world’s first modern corporation—making it the great-great-granddaddy of today’s World Trade Organization protests. But eventually the corporations won. Hartmann tells the astonishing story of how an offhand comment by a Supreme Court justice led to the Fourteenth Amendment—originally passed to grant basic rights to freed slaves—becoming the justification for changing the status of corporations from “artificial persons” with limited rights to persons entitled to the same rights granted to human beings.

Unequal Protection details the deeply destructive results. Corporations now enjoy extraordinary privileges that make them virtually independent kingdoms. This new feudalism is not what our founders intended. Hartmann proposes specific legal remedies that could truly save the world from political, economic, and ecological disaster. It’s time for “we, the people” to take back our lives.

With huge corporations now benefiting from massive taxpayer-funded bailouts, Hartmann’s hard-hitting critique of corporate personhood is more timely than ever. This new edition has been thoroughly updated and features Hartmann’s analysis of two recent critical Supreme Court corporate speech cases.

Read The Full Review >>>

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Via JMG: Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) Introduces Federal Anti-Bullying Bill

Today Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) and 21 fellow Senators introduced a federal bill intended to protect LGBT students from harassment and bullying. Via the ACLU:
The Student Non-Discrimination Act (SNDA) would help to end entrenched biases towards lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) students in our education system. A similar bill was introduced in the House of Representatives in January by Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO) and currently has over 100 co-sponsors. The American Civil Liberties Union strongly supports these bills and urges swift action by both chambers. The ACLU is currently involved in a case that underscores the need for the SNDA. In April, the ACLU filed a complaint with the Itawamba County School District in Fulton, Mississippi urging the school district to reverse its decision to forbid a lesbian student from attending a prom with her girlfriend and from wearing a tuxedo to the prom. After school officials canceled the prom altogether rather than allow Constance McMillen to attend the dance in a tuxedo with her girlfriend, the ACLU then filed a federal lawsuit. In a preliminary ruling in April, the court found that Itawamba County School District officials violated McMillen's First Amendment right to freedom of expression, and the case is expected to go to trial.
Franken says that he and others are working on language to define what constitutes bullying. But he says that most people know it when they see it. As noted in the above-linked story, Rep. Jared Polis introduced similar legislation in the U.S. House earlier this year. Here's the list of Senate co-sponsors:
SNDA is co-sponsored by Senators Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.), John Kerry (D-Mass.), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), Bob Casey (D-Pa.), Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.), Russ Feingold (D-Wisc.), Ben Cardin (D-Md.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Chris Dodd (D-Conn.), Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.), Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), Robert Menedez (D-N.J.), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), and Daniel Akaka (D-Hawaii).

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a repost from Joe

Via JMG: Will Rekers Scandal Affect Prop 8?

Following up on the New York Times story about the legal implications of the Dr. George Rekers scandal, Amanda Terkel at Think Progress has found four instances of Rekers' ties to the Perry Vs. Schwarzenegger trial to overturn Proposition 8. I don't usually excerpt another blogger's work so extensively, but this is a must-read.

1. Blankenhorn was the defendants’ star witness and was eviscerated on the stand by attorney David Boies, who was arguing against Prop. 8 for the American Foundation for Equal Rights. Blakenhorn has claimed that he is “not familiar” with Rekers’ work and didn’t “cite anyone named ‘Dr. Rekers’” in his “expert testimony submitted to the court.” However, Blankenhorn did reference Rekers’ work the bibliography of his “expert report” for the trial:

This Rekers declaration that Blankenhorn references has statements such as “The inherent structure of households with one or more homosexually behaving members deprives children of vitally needed positive contributions to child adjustment and to the child’s preparation for successful adulthood adjustment that are present in heterosexual homes.” (View it here.)

2. One of the witnesses arguing against Prop. 8 was Ryan Kendall, a gay man who was forced to undergo “reparative therapy” as a teenager to make him straight. He “was first sent to see a Christian therapist and then the National Association of Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH),” and the experiences left him contemplating suicide. Rekers was on the board of NARTH during the Prop. 8 trial and only recently stepped down after the “rent boy” scandal broke.

3. Rekers is a member of the American College of Pediatricians (ACP), which submitted an amicus brief to Chief Judge Walker in the Prop. 8 trial. ACP is a sham, right-wing group. When “the American Academy of Pediatrics passed its policy statement supporting second-parent adoptions by lesbian and gay parents in 2002, a fringe group of approximately 60 of the AAP’s more than 60,000 members” broke off and formed ACP.

4. The Prop. 8 defense had a witness named George Robinson who was going to testify about how being gay is a choice, although he was eventually withdrawn. He had also based some of his expert report on Rekers’ Prop. 22 declaration.

Excellent work by Amanda Terkels! Let's hope that Judge Vaughn Walker takes notice of this during the upcoming closing arguments.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: U.S. State Department Condemns Conviction Of Malawi Gay Couple

The U.S. State Department has denounced the Malawi government's conviction of two gay men for "unnatural acts and gross indecency."
"The United States is deeply disappointed in today’s conviction of same-sex couple Tiwonge Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza in Malawi," said assistant secretary Phillip J. Crowley at a press briefing Wednesday. "We view the criminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity as a step backward in the protection of human rights in Malawi. The Government of Malawi must respect the human rights of all of its citizens. The United States views the decriminalization of sexual orientation and gender identity as integral to the protection of human rights in Malawi and elsewhere in the world."
Thank you, Secretary Clinton. It may not help these poor men, but it's better than silence.

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reposted from Joe

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Via JMG: Two Birds, One Gay Stone

Super damn funny.

(Via - Queerty)

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posted by Joe

From the San Francisco ENDA Rally

Dear Friend of NCLR,

From Washington D.C. to San Francisco, NCLR is working tirelessly to make sure we pass ENDA, and we won’t stop until we get these crucial employment protections for our community.

Check out video of me and NCLR staff at yesterday’s ENDA rally outside Speaker Pelosi’s San Francisco office, and make sure you stand with us in our call to pass ENDA now!

Kate at SF ENDA Rally

watch video

In Solidarity,

Kate Kendell
Executive Director, NCLR

Donate Button

Courage Campaign

Dear Daniel --

Ever feel like your relationship isn't working out the way you think it should?

Well, our friends at AMERICAblog, CREDO Action and Open Left are wondering the same thing... about the Democratic Party when it comes to fighting for LGBT equality. . We all felt so strongly about it, we thought it was time to write a letter to the Democrats.

This isn't just any letter, mind you. It expresses concerns that many of us -- both straight and LGBT -- have been feeling recently. Here's the beginning of the letter:

Dear Democrats,

We need to talk.

This may be a hard letter to read, but I need to figure out if this relationship is still healthy for me...

Click here to read the rest of our open letter to the Democrats. If it says what you're feeling, sign your name to it and then forward this message to your friends. We will deliver your signatures to Democratic Party leadership:

Rick Jacobs
Chair, Courage Campaign

Courage Campaign Equality is part of the Courage Campaign's multi-issue online organizing network that empowers more than 700,000 grassroots and netroots supporters to push for progressive change and full equality in California and across the country.

To support our campaign for full equality, please chip in what you can today:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Via Belirico: Sam Brownback's Pastor Problem: Evangelical Extremist Lou Engle

Filed by: Waymon Hudson

May 18, 2010 2:30 PM

American Evangelical Extremist Lou Engle is making waves again. Readers may remember Engle as the fringe pastor behind TheCall Rally in California supporting Proposition 8, where he called homosexuality a "spirit of lawlessness" and called for "martyrs" to become "God's Avengers of Blood" to stop the "homosexual agenda" at all cost.

SamBrownback.jpgHe also recently held another TheCall Prayer Event in Uganda where he praised the country's "courage" and "righteousness" in promoting the horrific Anti-Homosexuality "Kill the Gays" Bill. The bill calls for gays to be executed, says "known Ugandan homosexuals" abroad should be extradited back to Uganda for "punishment", and that people in Uganda must report anybody known to have committed a homosexual act within 24 hours, among other horrific provisions.

Now Lou Engle is back in America and causing a major headache for Republican Senator Sam Brownback in the Kansas gubernatorial race. It seems people aren't taking to kindly to Engle and Brownback being so close, including being former roommates and "soldiers for salvation" together. Brownback even appeared at a TheCall Rally as a special guest of Engle.

Continue reading "Sam Brownback's Pastor Problem: Evangelical Extremist Lou Engle" »

Daniel Radcliffe's Trevor Project PSA

Via Belirico: Bullies: The Wizard of Oz and Tomato Soup

Filed by: Peter Monn and Alex Paredes

May 18, 2010 5:00 PM

Editors' Note: Peter Monn (and his partner, Alex) is a Bilerico-Indiana blogger. We've lifted this up to the main site to share with everyone.

anti-gay bullyingWe have this amazing little girl that lives next door to us. Everyday when we take the puppies out she comes running over, filled with stories about her two younger siblings and frustrated that our oldest dog won't let her catch him. She is 6. Today, I came home and she was dressed, from head to toe, like Dorothy from The Wizard of Oz, complete with sparkling ruby red slippers. Her hair was tied back in braids and she was carrying a basket on her arm as she ran around the backyard, her sister, dressed like a beautiful princess in pink taffeta, chasing her around, reaching for her in the wind.

And I thought...what a wonderful thing to be a child.

But not for everyone.

Not for me.

Continue reading "Bullies: The Wizard of Oz and Tomato Soup" »


LGBT leaders, community members demand vote on ENDA

Task Force Executive Director Rea Carey speaks at today's ENDA press conference, where
LGBT rights advocates and community members call on Congress to pass ENDA.

Right now people can be fired in 29 states for being lesbian, gay or bisexual and in 38 states for being transgender. There’s no excuse for this kind of backwards discrimination in this day and age.

The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, PFLAG National, National Center for Transgender Equality, National Black Justice Coalition, National Stonewall Democrats, National Center for Lesbian Rights and Pride at Work today held a press conference at the National Press Club urging Congress to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA). Community members — Donna P., Terrance L. and Gloria Nieto — came forward to share powerful stories of the discrimination they have experienced in the work place for simply being who they are.

Help us ensure that this discrimination becomes a thing of the past. Help us pass ENDA once and for all! Please make a short phone call now to your legislators to keep the pressure on. They need to hear loud and clear from people who support equality. Even if you’ve called before, and even if you think your representative is supportive of ENDA, it’s critical that they hear from you again today.

Just follow these three steps:

1) Call the Capitol Switchboard at 202.224.3121 and ask to speak to your representative. (If you’re not sure who your representative is, simply give the operator your zip code and they will connect you.)

2) Follow this script:

My name is _____ and I live at (say your street address) in (say your city and state). I am calling to ask that you please pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act now! Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people can't wait any longer for protection from job discrimination. So, please — no more delays. Pass ENDA right away. Thank you for your time.

3) Go back to step 1 and call at least one of your senators — we need to make our voice for equality as loud as possible.

Thank you for taking action with the Task Force today!

To read Rea Carey's remarks, go here.
For photos and more from today's press conference, visit

Via JMG: Nancy Pelosi: I Have No Intention Of Losing On DADT And ENDA

According to an unnamed person on a conference call with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, she vowed that she has "no intention" of losing the (hopefully) upcoming votes on DADT and ENDA. Kerry Eleveld reports for the Advocate:
A second participant said the Speaker discussed the timing of taking a vote on ENDA relative to a DADT repeal vote, which is automatically built into the calendar for next week based on the fact that the House is scheduled to consider the National Defense Authorization Act that week. A DADT repeal measure is likely to be proposed on the House floor as an amendment to the NDAA. The second source said the Speaker went through the chronology of the calendar and the fact that taking a vote on ENDA and DADT in the same week is literally impossible from a scheduling standpoint. Pelosi also said she thought ENDA would have a much better likelihood of passing if DADT were successfully ushered through first. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force planned to hold a press conference in Washington, D.C. Tuesday urging a vote on ENDA. In addition, Get Equal, a new LGBT direct action organization, planned a demonstration outside of Pelosi’s San Francisco district office Tuesday afternoon.
Rumors are flying that the GOP is planning new language for ENDA that would strip transgender and gender identity protections from the bill. In 2007 the House passed a trans-exclusive version of ENDA. The bill did not come to a vote in the Senate.

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reposted from Joe

Via JMG: HomoQuotable - Ed Koch

"Solicitor General Elena Kagan's sexual orientation is the subject of much discussion in blogs and mainstream newspapers. The White House response denied Ms. Kagan is a lesbian. Instead, shouldn't the White House have denounced the speculation and conveyed that such inquiries are improper? By denying she is lesbian instead of denouncing the inquiry, the White House is implicitly stating sexual orientation is a legitimate issue of discussion in the confirmation process.

"On the positive side, raising the issue of Ms. Kagan's sexual orientation may give more support to Barney Frank's [ENDA] bill with 198 co-sponsors in the House and Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon with a similar bill and 45 co-sponsors barring employment discrimination by the federal government against people because of their sexual identity. Only 20 states in the Union - New York being one of them - have such legislation. The current debate regarding Ms. Kagan's candidacy demonstrates the imperative of passing such legislation. How many U.S. Senators now considering Ms. Kagan's nomination will vote for such legislation? Write to yours and let's find out. Also, ask your member of Congress." - Former NYC Mayor Ed Koch, writing for the Huffington Post.

For decades Koch has refused to acknowledge his own gayness, which explains why he's so upset about the speculation regarding Elena Kagan.

(Via - Towleroad)

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reposted from Joe

Quote of the Day (VIA JMG):

To paraphrase Frank Rich - this would be laughable if gay people's rights were not being taken away:

1. We've got a closeted Lesbian Governor in Hawaii claiming that civil unions are like marriage when the mantra of the anti-gay marriage crowd has always been about the word of marriage.

2. We've got a Governor in Minn. who has taken away the rights of dead gay people.

3. We've got the US military (and their families - now) which claims to be the greatest fighting force ever-assembled scared of a bunch of homos.

4. We've got a 'proud homophobe' trying to clean up the mess in the Gulf of Mexico

5. We've got Congress afraid to pass ENDA because of a bunch of men with beards in dresses.

6. We're got the founder of the anti-gay movement's Family Research Council caught with a rentboy whose testimony is on court record in major anti-gay causes in FL, AK and CA and taxpayers money is paying for it.

7. We've got a Supreme Court nominee forced to demean herself by telling the President that she's not a Lesbian - she's just too ugly to find a man. As if the Dean of Harvard Law School who everyone loves couldn't find a nice Jewish boy.

8. We've got the Catholic Church (unmarried Priests) ... and the Mormon Church (polygamy) as the foot soldiers against gay marriage.

9. We've got Bauer, Sanford and Graham in SC.

10. And, then we've got Laura Bush and Cindy McCain as the only people with a brain in America

(via JMG)

Monday, May 17, 2010

Dating Advice from JMG:

f(x) = ½x + 7

Via the Awl comes this graph which charts the age range of "socially acceptable" dating partners.

reposted from Joe