Saturday, December 10, 2011

Via JMG: TODAY: SantaCon 2012

At this writing hundreds of hammered Santas are staggering through Manhattan in their annual pub crawl dubbed SantaCon. Bars, pubs, and nightclubs along the designated routes are making donations to Toys For Tots.

Organizers warn: "Don ye now your gay apparel! Anyone caught attending Santacon without a FULL costume will be pelted with reindeer droppings and receive coal in their stocking. Simply wearing a Santa hat is not acceptable." Also noted in the amusing set of rules: "Food will be collected at the start point by elves in leather thongs and delivered to the Food Bank for NYC."

Follow SantaCon on Twitter for photos and merriment.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: VIDEO: Ninth Circuit Court Of Appeals Hears Final Arguments In Proposition 8

Below is the full hearing from Thursday. The first clip covers the argument against releasing the trial tapes. The second clip covers the argument that Judge Vaughn Walker should have recused himself for being gay. Both clips are highly instructive as to the vitriolic lengths our enemies are willing to go in their campaign of oppression.

Reposted from Joe

Today in Weird and Creepy BahaĆ­ Video: A Grievous Error

Via JMG: MAP: Gay Oppression In Africa


reposted from Joe

Scott Fujita for Americans for Marriage Equality

Via JMG: FRC Applauds Perry's Anti-Gay Hate

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: Pentagon: Calm Down Wingnuts, It'll Still Be Against The Rules To Fuck Horses

After a week of nonstop wingnut dumbassery, today the Pentagon was forced to issue a clarification on the potential repeal of the military's ban on sodomy.
Conservative groups are upset over a proposed change in the defense bill that would eliminate Article 125 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. The code states that any person who engages in "unnatural carnal copulation with another person of the same or opposite sex or with an animal is guilty of sodomy." Those found guilty of sodomy would be subject to court martial. The Pentagon said in a statement Friday that all animal abuse, including bestiality, would be considered "prejudicial to good order and discipline" and covered by another section of the military code. Court martial would still be in order.
We'll stand by for retractions from Family Research Council, PETA, Liberty Counsel, etc. Checks watch....

Reposted from Joe

Via Tricycle Daily Dharma:

Tricycle Daily Dharma December 10, 2011

The Precepts

To be sure, as humans with a short life span, we cannot know the long-term results of our actions. But recognizing that what we say and do can have repercussions for months, years, or eons, and that we cannot know the “final” outcome of something we think, do or say, Buddhism, like all other major religions, has developed a set of precepts. The precepts have been compared to dikes in a rice field. They hold back and channel the rushing water of our passions so that our life is not flooded, so that smaller and more helpless creatures are not harmed and the harvest of our life’s efforts is not ruined. These precepts prohibit those actions that have a bad outcome and cause harm to ourselves or others almost all of the time.
- Jan Chozen Bays, "What the Buddha Said About Sexual Harassment"
Read the entire article in the Tricycle Wisdom Collection

Friday, December 9, 2011

Rick Perry "Strong" Campaign Video Spoof - A Response

Elenor Lives!

Via Gay Poltics Report:

  • Do you think the Democratic Party will include support for full marriage equality for LGBT Americans in its 2012 party platform?

  • No.  64.80%
    Yes.  20.74%
    I'm not sure.  14.46%

Washington Post writer Ruth Marcus argues that the politics surrounding marriage rights for gays and lesbians have changed so much that President Barack Obama would be wise to complete his own evolution on the subject and declare his support for marriage equality before the upcoming election. "Mr. President, what better moment will there be? You might lose. A lame-duck proclamation would be lame. If not now, when?" Marcus asks. The Washington Post (12/8) LinkedInFacebookTwitter

JMG Quote Of The Day - Kate Kendell

"If you missed the hearing, count yourself lucky, for hardly ever in one courtroom have we been treated to the level of insult, bigotry, and stigmatizing trash that was presented by those defending Prop 8. [snip] It’s no wonder that the Prop 8 proponents are doing everything they can to distract attention from the real issues in the case and to hide the trial from public view. The proponents were given every opportunity to come forward at trial with any good reason to uphold Prop 8’s treatment of same-sex couples as second-class citizens. They came up empty, so they decided to change the subject.

"On Thursday, the Ninth Circuit appeared to see through at least part of their smokescreen. Regardless of how they rule on releasing the trial video, the judges seem ready to move ahead and decide whether Judge Walker’s decision should be upheld on its merits, not on the basis of unfounded personal attacks on the integrity of the judicial process. The arguments yesterday were hard to hear. The good news is they represent the swan song of our venal and feckless opposition. We are on the verge of sweeping change and after yesterday’s moronic display, that day cannot come soon enough." - Kate Kendell, executive director for the National Center for Lesbian Rights, writing for the Advocate.

Reposted from Joe

Via Christians Tired of Being Misrepresented // The Christian Left:

The Bow

More than a gesture, a bow is an act of veneration -- for ourselves and the universe.- Lama Surya Das

In November 2010, when we returned from Brasil to Sacramento, and I was walking with Milton thru the terminal toward baggage claim, there was a sense of accomplishment, and not a little dread. My head and heard were conflicted… selling all our things, telling folks goodbye, moving what we wanted to keep… the list was growing with each step.

Accomplishment, because we had both successfully completed the concurso to become professors at UFOP, and dread… a feeling that “ok, you got what you asked for”. I was exhausted, very emotional, very excited and happy… and suddenly, in the old crowded terminal, there was a Buddhist monk sitting, just as I walked by him he looked up, and instinctively I quickly placed my hands together and bowed to him… he looked back at me and bowed back.

Pema Chodron: The Propensity To Be Bothered

Via The Raw Story:

Beware of fornicating Santas. (You'll see.) 

In his recent, roundly mocked ad, Texas Governor Rick Perry says that you “don’t have to be in the pew every Sunday to know that something is wrong” with our country in that “gays can serve openly in the military and our kids can’t openly celebrate Christmas.”

Via Huffington: Prop 8 OVERTURNED: Gay Marriage Ban Struck Down In California

In a major victory for gay rights activists, a federal judge ruled on Wednesday that a voter initiative banning same-sex marriage in California violated the Constitution's equal protection and due process rights clauses.

After a five-month wait, 9th Circuit District Court Judge Vaughn Walker offered a 136-page decision in the case of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, firmly rejecting Proposition 8, which was passed by voters in November 2008.

"Although Proposition 8 fails to possess even a rational basis, the evidence presented at trial shows that gays and lesbians are the type of minority strict scrutiny was designed to protect," Walker ruled.

"Plaintiffs do not seek recognition of a new right. To characterize plaintiffs' objective as "the right to same-sex marriage" would suggest that plaintiffs seek something different from what opposite-sex couples across the state enjoy -- namely, marriage. Rather, plaintiffs ask California to recognize their relationships for what they are: marriages."

read the rest of the article here (woo hoo!)

Via JMG: Prop 8 Hearing Reactions

Lambda Legal
"The Court raked the lawyer for Prop 8's proponents over the coals for their argument that gay judges alone have special obligations to prove their impartiality that no other judge must bear. From the start, this motion was an offensive ploy by the proponents of Prop 8 to distract attention from the unconstitutionality of Prop 8 and the ongoing harm that that measure inflicts upon same-sex couples and their families. But the motion came at the expense of the integrity of the judicial system and the judges who have devoted their lives to public service and ensuring justice. We hope for a swift victory that will put this dangerous and desperate argument out of its misery."
National Center For Lesbian Rights
"It's no wonder that the Prop 8 proponents are doing everything they can to distract attention from the real issues in the Perry case and to hide the trial from public view. The proponents were given every opportunity to come forward at trial with any good reason to uphold Prop 8's treatment of same-sex couples as second-class citizens. They came up empty, so they decided to change the subject. Today, the Ninth Circuit appeared to see through at least part of their smokescreen. Regardless of how they rule on releasing the trial video, the judges seem ready to move ahead and decide whether Judge Walker's decision should be upheld on its merits. They did not seem at all inclined to throw out Judge Walker's detailed and carefully reasoned opinion on the basis of unfounded personal attacks on the integrity of the judicial process."
It's late so more reactions will likely come in the morning. I'll add them then.

Reposted from Joe

Via JMG: LOS ANGELES: Elderly Marriage Activist Dies Waiting For Prop 8 To Be Overturned

Ed Watson, above left, has died at the age of 78. Watson made national news this year when he expressed his hope that he would be allowed to marry before Alzheimer's Disease robbed him of the ability to recognize Derence, his partner of 40 years.
Gay rights activists lamented Watson's death as a reminder of the harm inflicted on same-sex couples throughout the state because they are denied the right to marry. "It's ironic that he died on the eve of appeals about peripheral issues around a case that should have been settled more than a year ago," said Richard Jacobs, chairman and founder of the gay rights advocacy group Courage Campaign, as he was en route to San Francisco for a hearing before the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. "None of this will matter to Ed or Derence."
Here's the clip the couple made in March.

Reposted from Joe