Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Today's Daily Dharma: The Importance of Friendship

The Importance of Friendship
When you have a deep, deep friendship with someone, you don’t only care, “Is this good for me?” You care for them naturally. I believe it’s completely natural to have such love, compassion, and kindness. . . . This feeling transcends lay and monastic communities. It is vital to developing the deep heart of lovingkindness in the context of dedication to dharma.
Ayya Tathaaloka, "The Whole of the Spiritual Life"

Monday, July 13, 2015

Via Holy Bullies and Headless Monsters: The real story behind lgbt equality struggle is being ignored

For over three decades, anti-gay groups created this false image of the gay community.

Last night, I made the discovery that my work was used in a letter to the editor in the Grand Forks Herald:

The Huffington Post's Alvin McEwan characterizes the ACP as "a sham group camouflaging religious right distortion as legitimate research" and cites University of Minnesota professor Greg Remafedi, who claims the group has "distorted his work." And in fact, the list of scientists whose research has been distorted to support the religious right's bigotry against the LGBT community is staggering.
It was pretty cool to be cited and obviously the young lady read my online booklet, How They See Us, because she cited info from page 10 regarding the list of researchers whose work have been distorted by the anti-gay right.

But then the euphoria faded and I got a bit angry. Not at her, mind you, but the situation in general.

On two pages, I listed at least 12 examples over a number of years in which anti-gay groups and personalities have been caught lying about or distorting research.  How in the world did the media, including ours, miss this?

Do journalists dig for information anymore? While we busy ourselves with esoteric terms, while those who claim to be our allies (i.e. Kirsten Powers) write sloppy books hoping to follow the trend of fake pity for anti-gay groups and organizations who finally themselves out of the mainstream, and while those same anti-gay groups and organizations (and their allies at places such as Fox News) spin false stories of anti-Christian persecution at places such as bakeries, the real story seems to be getting ignored.

That real story is the over 30 year history of lies, distortions, and bearing of false witness by anti-gay groups designed to stigmatize the lgbt community.  Until THAT story is told, no matter how many victories we win, the lgbt community will always find ourselves on the defensive, trying to justify not only our existence but our right to have a normal life.

Via Towerlroad: LGBT Activist in Paraguay Says Historic First Meeting with Pope Francis Was ‘Very Productive’

first meeting with pope

A Paraguayan LGBT activist is in high spirits after his historic public meeting with Pope Francis over the weekend.

The Washington Blade reports Simón Cazal, who heads Paraguay’s LGBT group SOMOSGAY, was among the 1,600 civil society leaders who met with Francis in the capital of Asunción on Saturday.

Cazal told the Washington Blade during a Skype interview after the meeting that Francis did not “directly” refer to LGBT-specific issues, but “he did mention others in which they are included.” Media reports indicate the pontiff was sharply critical of Paraguayan Catholic officials.
“There are no people of first, of second or third class,” said Francis, according to a tweet that Cazal posted to his Twitter account after the meeting. “Dignity is for everyone.”

Cazal added that the pope’s speech was “very productive” and focused on the church embracing diversity in the idea of “family.” 
In a separate interview with Buzzfeed, Cazal stated his belief that after the meeting the church “has put itself on our side – there is no way to discount that.”

This was the pope’s first ever meeting with an LGBT activist. Back in March, Francis dined with LGBT inmates at an Italian prison.

Watch a video of Cazal speak with CNN before his historic meeting here.

Make the jump here to read the original

Sexismo, preconceito e desumanização | Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo on sexism and buddhist nuns

JMG Viral Video Of The Day

"Two guys pretend to be homosexuals in Russia." Nearly 900K views at this writing. Click on the closed captioning.

(Tipped by JMG reader Ray)

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Today's Daily Dharma: The Intention beneath Belief

The Intention beneath Belief
Buddhadharma is all about intention. Intention doesn't always play out the way you think it's going to, but if your intention is right and your mindset is not one of anger or ill will or hatred, if the intention is to relieve dukkha, it makes all the difference.
Hae Doh Gary Schwocho, "Beneath Belief"

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Today's Daily Dharma: How We Use the Mind

How We Use the Mind

The mind is very powerful. There's a tremendous strength there, and it makes such a big difference how this mind, this will, this intention is being steered. And everything depends on whether it allows itself to relax and be serene, or whether it allows itself to get caught up in anxiety, grasping, and fear; it makes a difference if you do something with a relaxed, easygoing frame of mind, or if you do it in a harried and distracted way.
-  Mingyur Rinpoche, "The Easy Middle"

Via JMG: CHILE: Civil Union Signups Begin

CHILE: Civil Union Signups Begin

Pink News reports:
Gay couples flocked to civil registry offices in Chile to schedule the first same-sex civil unions since they were approved in the country earlier this year. Thursday (July 9) was the first day that couples could apply for the licence, after a bill approving same-sex civil unions was signed by the country’s President Michelle Bachelet back in April. The first same-sex civil ceremonies will take place in October, and while the LGBT community in Chile still fights for the right to marry, many see this as the first step on the to gaining full equal rights for sam-sex couples. Many couples took to Twitter to share their joy and excitement, as well as to announce the date on which their ceremonies will take place.
RELATED: Elsewhere in South America same-sex marriage is legal in Argentina, Brazil, French Guiana, and Uruguay. Civil unions are legal in Colombia and Ecuador. A same-sex marriage lawsuit is pending before the Venezuelan Supreme Court. Homosexual acts remain illegal in Guyana, but nowhere else on the continent.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via Daily Dharma (August 12, 2010 ):

Today’s Daily Dharma:
THIS I BELIEVE: That phenomena do not have any kind of demonstrable, intrinsic existence. That anything that is the composite sum of other parts is, logically, impermanent. That suffering is a given in any form of existence where confusion and ignorance are present. That when confusion and ignorance have been definitively eliminated, and goodness, caring, and wisdom have entirely taken their place, that is true happiness.
-Pamela White, "A Slow, True Path" (Winter 2008)

Read the complete article here.

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 12/07/2015

“Vivemos numa era na qual os valores espirituais foram praticamente esquecidos. Todos estão atrás de alegrias passageiras, encantados com as criações da mente. O mundo se tornou extremamente materialista. O homem acredita que, para ser feliz, ele precisa dominar a matéria. Acredita que, se tiver dinheiro, terá domínio sobre o outro, e dessa forma se torna dependente dele. Essa ilusão é o que tem gerado toda crueldade e a miséria que vemos no mundo.”

“Vivimos en una era en la cual los valores espirituales fueron prácticamente olvidados. Todos están atrás de alegrías pasajeras, fascinados con las creaciones de la mente. El mundo se volvió extremadamente materialista. El hombre cree que para ser feliz, necesita dominar la materia. Cree que si tuviera dinero tendrá dominio sobre el otro, y de esa forma se vuelve dependiente de él. Esta ilusión es la que ha generado toda crueldad y miseria que vemos en el mundo.”

“We are living in an era where spiritual values have practically been forgotten. Everyone is chasing after fleeting joys, enchanted with the creations of the mind. The world has become extremely materialistic. We believe that, in order to be happy, we must dominate the material world. We think that if we have money we can have dominion over the other, so we become dependent on money. This illusion is what has generated all the cruelty and misery we see in the world.”

Via I bet this turkey can get more fans than NOM / FB:

Via I bet this turkey can get more fans than NOM / FB:

Saturday, July 11, 2015

JMG Quote Of The Day - Henry Rollins

"I am hoping that, in time, Obergefell v. Hodges will be seen in the same way as Loving v. Virginia - inevitable and a sign of social evolution in America. I bet two people of the same sex who want to get married don’t think they are going to have a 'gay wedding.' By wanting to get married in the first place, they show their dedication both to each other and to tradition. Wanting to get married is a freakin’ billboard for normality and inclusion. I wish the 'You lost! Deal with it!' talk would stop. I can understand where it comes from but it doesn’t make anything better. There were no losers, in my opinion. To those who disagree with same-sex marriage because it offends their faith, I would say your beliefs are still yours to have. The wisdom, peace and clarity that faith has allowed you to have are still intact. No word of any religious text has been changed or its power reduced. There is a lot of room in America; it allows all to move freely. All the wedding photographs popping up on the Internet should be enough to convince anyone that this was a great decision. Take Jack Evans and George Harris, for example — together for 54 years, in Texas of all places, finally able to get hitched. I am looking at them now. The skies have not darkened with locusts and tomorrow there will be traffic. I do believe we will be OK." - Henry Rollins, writing for LA Weekly.

Reposted from Joe Jervis

Via DailyExtra: Gay sexuality a gift from God, says head of United Church of Canada

United Church Moderator Gary Paterson describes sexuality — including gay sexuality — as a gift from God.

“First of all let’s back up and say it’s not sin,” he says. “But somewhere the church built up a reputation as being anti-body and anti-sex. And when you look at the history I can understand how that can be deserved, but it is not true to our deep biblical verses.”

From July 24–26, 2015, Paterson’s home congregation of St Andrew’s-Wesley United Church will kick off Pride Week in Vancouver with SpiritPride, an LGBT spirituality conference just steps from the heart of the Davie Village.

Conference organizer Gregg Taylor says faith and sexuality will be major topics of discussion at the event.

“A full, intimate relationship is going to have emotional, psychological and also physical components in order to be an integrated expression of passion and love,” he says. “So that means that Christians are going to have to have sex — and gay Christians are going to have gay sex.”

Taylor says SpiritPride will not be an evangelical conference where attendees will be expected to accept a certain doctrine, but will instead be a chance for people of faith, as well as those who are curious, to better understand the links between sexuality and spirituality.

“Our church comes from the Christian faith perspective but one of our keynote speakers is going to approach it from a much broader perspective from spirituality and sexuality,” he explains. “As whole persons we are spiritual and we are sexual, we have a spiritual body, a sense of something greater than ourselves and how we connect to the world around us.”

Curt Allison, who is presenting at the conference, hopes the event will help people reconcile conflicting social messages about Christianity and gay sexuality.

“Growing up many of us got messages from our churches which weren’t always affirming and inclusive,” he says. “Things are changing but for a lot of us the message sticks in there. And while I like to think the world is elevating to a higher level of consciousness, there are still people who are not comfortable at all with being LGBT. They desire to serve God and Christ but at the same time they are gay.”

Allison says the conference is taking place to both celebrate the accomplishments of LGBT people within the United Church, and to facilitate community among LGBT people of faith.

“This will be a safe space to hear other perspectives on scripture, on church teachings and to meet other people who are reconciled and vibrant in their faith and are also out,” he says. “This might be a chance for them to check out a safe space or follow an inner urging they feel to exploring a spiritual life or live in a spiritual dimension.”

Paterson, who is openly gay, recognizes that the United Church is relatively unique within Christendom in its long-standing affirmation of openly gay, lesbian and bisexual people as full church members. He concedes that it may take time for other churches, individuals and society as a whole to catch up.

“Take a deep breath and know you’ll be there for the long-haul,” he says. “I’m really committed to trying to work for change and so when I meet people who aren’t comfortable around gay people I want to be present in conversation. Present and available, not an ‘I’m here and queer’ kind of thing but something close to that, saying ‘I’m comfortable and confident in who I am and if you have questions or you want to talk about it I’m available and I’m not going to disappear.’”

Via Ram Dass: Open Heart Extra - Listening Quietly to Our Intuition

“But he learned more from the river than Vasudeva could teach him. He learned from it continually. Above all, he learned from it how to listen with a still heart, with a waiting open soul, without passion, without desire, without judgment, without opinions.”
– Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha

Listening Quietly to Our Intuition: https://goo.gl/znCwpF

Via Elephant Journal: The Rainbow-Colored Wildfire is Spreading—But Guess Where Gay Marriage is Still Not Legal?

It warms my heart to see nation after nation recognize the rights of a minority that for so many years have been sidelined and marginalized.

Europe—hosting some of the most liberal countries—was the first cab off the rank, the Netherlands being the first to recognize equal rights for all back in 2001.

(Can we all pause for a moment to reflect on that momentarily. 2001. Does anyone else think it’s rubbish that 14 years later this is still an issue?!)

From there, in a series of dominoes, others came forward:
Belgium, Spain, Canada, South Africa, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Iceland, Argentina, Denmark, Brazil, France, Uruguay, New Zealand, England/Wales, Scotland, Luxembourg, Finland, Ireland and of course, most recently, The United States.

Twenty-one countries all up.

Twenty-one countries in total recognizing that all who are in love should have the right to get married, regardless of gender.

It may have taken longer than I would have liked but this is still an incredible shift!

There is one country however, still notably missing from the list that. This is a well-known Western country that continues to sit on the proverbial fence.

Chances are this comes as a surprise to you.

I recently heard a radio interview asking Americans whether they thought gay marriage was legal in Australia. Every person who was asked said yes.

Internationally, Australia is seen to be a modern culture. Much more accepting, and dare I say liberal, than The United States.

Nearly 75 per cent of Australians support legislation changes legalizing same-sex marriage. This is a higher percentage in terms of support for legislation change than in any other country that has already legalized gay marriage. Clearly, it’s not the Australian people who are standing in the way of Australia maintaining its ‘modern’ label.

The current political environment in Australia is currently of a much more conservative nature, and herein lies the source of the holdup.

Our Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, is publicly against gay marriage. This is despite having an openly gay sister who is a forceful driver of Australia legalizing marriage equality. I’m ashamed to Abbott’s recent comments indicate a preference for keeping to an agenda of growing the economy and building jobs for Australians, highlighting that this is what he and his party were voted in for.
The media, however, have entirely other ideas.

Not a day goes by here in Australia without some report referencing gay marriage rights. With the direction of all other developed nations blowing the wind towards marriage equality, for many here, it only seems like a matter of time.

Continued coverage of this issue across all media platforms, both internationally and locally, is keeping marriage equality on the forefront of everyone’s mind. As research illustrates how people look to the media for information on the existence and severity of current issues, it’s fairly safe to say this particular issue of marriage equality is not going away.

We certainly can’t just sweep it under the same rug we continue to sweep the horrific treatment of our Indigenous people (that’s another story entirely).

Personally I am embarrassed by the sluggishness of my country in supporting marriage equality. As was so beautifully articulated in a recent article I read, this is ‘an issue that helps define the social fabric of a nation’.

The change in law may not directly affect me but I want to be able to proudly proclaim that my country stands for equality.

That my country does not diminish a person’s love based on gender.

That above all, Love Fucking Wins in Australia too.

At some point in the (hopefully) not too distant future, marriage equality will go to vote in Australia, and I can’t see it being rejected when it does. Sadly, while many countries can now report that #lovewins, Australia has some way to go before we can proudly fly the same rainbow coloured flag.

For now, as the only developed English speaking country that has not reformed their laws, Australia insists on staying in the Equality Stone Age and I for one, am impatient to see that shift.

The YellowJackets - You Belong With Me

F*ck That: A Guided Meditation

Via Sri Prem Baba: Flor do Dia- Flor del Día - Flower of the Day 11/07/2015

“A essência do ser humano é o amor. Mas, por conta dos choques de abandono, exclusão, humilhação e rejeição, nos esquecemos de amar e aprendemos a odiar. Por isso tenho dito que nosso principal trabalho não é aprender a amar, mas sim desaprender a odiar.”

“La esencia del ser humano es el amor. Pero por cuenta de los choques de abandono, exclusión, humillación y rechazo, nos olvidamos de amar y aprendemos a odiar. Por eso vengo diciendo que nuestro principal trabajo no es aprender a amar, pero sí desaprender a odiar.”

“The essence of the human being is love. Due to the shocks of abandonment, humiliation and rejection, we forgot how to love and learned how to hate instead. This is why I have been saying that our main work is not to learn how to love, but to unlearn how to hate.”