“‘Ama a Dios por sobre todas las cosas y todo lo demás se os dará por
añadidura”. Entrégate a Dios y todo lo que necesitas llega. Esta es la
esencia de la transmisión de Jesús. Pero en mi visión, la principal
perla transmitida por este gran maestro pasó desapercibida. Cuando
estaba siendo crucificado y agredido él dijo: “Padre, perdónalos porque
no saben lo que hacen”. Si pudieras experimentar este grado de perdón y
de compasión, te vuelves uno con Dios, estás libre."
" 'Seek the Kingdom of God above all else... and he will give you everything you need' (Matthew 6:33). Surrender yourself to God and everything you need comes. This is the essence of Jesus’ transmission. In my opinion, the main pearl transmitted by this great master teacher passed unnoticed. While he was being crucified and beaten he said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' If you can experience this degree of forgiveness and compassion, you become one with God, and you are free."
" 'Seek the Kingdom of God above all else... and he will give you everything you need' (Matthew 6:33). Surrender yourself to God and everything you need comes. This is the essence of Jesus’ transmission. In my opinion, the main pearl transmitted by this great master teacher passed unnoticed. While he was being crucified and beaten he said, 'Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.' If you can experience this degree of forgiveness and compassion, you become one with God, and you are free."